and presents risk to the unborn child. Nico�ne use in pregnancy should be minimised
or avoided altogether. Nico�ne can be excreted in breast milk).
- You have CVD, renal or hepa�c impairment, lung disorders or lung condi�ons.
- You have stomach or duodenal ulcers.
Smoking and to a lesser extent nico�ne may affect the uptake of certain
Before you switch to a non-smoked nico�ne source, you may need to talk to your
doctor about the need to adjust dosage of some drugs. (These include, but are not
limited to, clozapine, heparin, propranolol, ropinirole, and theophylline).
Possible adverse effects
• While vaping, users may experience possible adverse effects. To avoid adverse
effects, it is recommended to use the e-liquid with lower nico�ne content or no
nico�ne. Adverse effects may include:
- Irrita�on of the mouth and throat
- Cough
- Dizziness
- Nausea/vomi�ng
- Hiccoughs/hiccups
- Chest palpita�ons
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Feeling lightheaded or faint
- Abnormal heart ratel
- Stomach discomfort
- Nasal conges�on
• If you experience any of the above symptoms, or other adverse effects, stop using
the product immediately, seek medical a�en�on, and provide the medical expert
with the label and leaflet of the e-liquid. Do not drive, and do not operate
machinery or engage in similar ac�vi�es.
• If e-liquid is swallowed – refer to the instruc�ons of the e-liquid product –
immediately seeking medical assistance when necessary (see Poison centre
informa�on below).
• If e-liquid is splashed onto skin or in the mouth – wash skin and mouth thoroughly
with cold water – refer to the instruc�ons of the e-liquid product – immediately
seeking medical assistance when necessary (see Poison centre informa�on below).
• If you experience significant nausea or changes in heart rate, seek immediate
medical a�en�on. If a child comes into contact with or swallows an e-liquid, you
should contact your local hospital's accident and emergency department
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