The filter sheets used in this filter are made of refined kieselguhr, which does not cause a bad taste in
wine (after rinsing). These filter sheets do not contain asbestosfibres or other material that would be
harmful to the wine or people. The filter sheets can only be used once. There are 5 types of filter
2000 : very coarse
1000 : coarse
500 : middle fine
100 : fine
SST : sterile
Normally 2 filterings are sufficient. If the wine is very foggy n° 1000 and thereafter n°100 should be
applied. For less foggy wines start with n°500 and end with n°100.
Only use SST to obtain a very fine and sterile wine.
Before the wine is filtered, it should be siphoned then settled for a few hours. If the wine is very foggy,
it is best to do a pre-clarification. Foggy wines will obstruct the filter sooner and this will slow down the
process and decrease the amount of wine.
The filter sheets should be soaked in water first for about 5 minutes. The soaked filter sheet has to be
placed with the serrated text side towards the transparant entrance part.
Press the intermediate part up into the transparent top section and tighten the 3 screws well.
Place the black bottom part, then place the closed filter device on the receiving recipient (at least 1 to
1.5 m lower). Place the siphon in the top recipient. Pressure and speed depend on the distance
between the 2 recipients.
The red tube has to be fixed to the siphon in the upper recipient and to the other side onto the
transparent lid of the filter on the lower recipient. Put in working by sucking air through the tube until
the wine starts to flow, then tighten the clamp and fit the tube to the nozzle and reopen the clamp. In
this way the wine will be filtered in a smooth way. It could be you have to remove the small black pin
to remove the air out of the filter, but make sure you place it back afterwards.
The first litre of wine flowing through will not be completely clear and therefore should be poured back
into the upper recipient.
The speed of the filtering process depends on the thickness of the wine, the chosen thickness of the
filter sheet and the amount of the wine that has to be filtered.
As the filtering runs freely you can count about half an hour for filtering 25 litres of wine through a
course filter, through a fine filter it takes about 3 to 4 hours. Therefore it is very useful to filter twice.
To obtain more pressure you can connect a pump (like with the Vinoferm
duration but the filter sheets will be worn out much faster.
TIP: it is recommended to use the original kieselguhr sheets only (ref. 019.015.7)
Korspelsesteenweg 86 • B-3581 Beverlo - Belgium
Tel. +32-(0)11-40.14.08 • Fax. +32-(0)11-34.73.59 •
Siphon-filter Vinoferm "Mini"
filter). This will shorten the