Add your email account
1. Click on the Mail tile from the Start screen.
2. Choose the type of account you want to add, sign-in and then follow the on-screen
People: Add contacts
The People app is your universal address book. See contacts from all of your address
books in one place, and get the latest updates from your friends. Also, sync contacts
from your social networks. Get in touch with someone by sending email, calling, or
posting to social media directly from the People app.
1. Click on the People tile.
2. Choose the type of account you want to add, sign-in and then follow the on-screen
OneDrive: Your personal cloud
OneDrive is online storage that comes with your Microsoft account. It's like an extra
hard drive that's available from any of the devices you use. When you save your
documents, photos, and other files on OneDrive, they're available from any web-
connected device (for example, your phone or computer).
1. Click the OneDrive tile.
2. Choose the type of account you want to add, sign-in and then follow the on-screen