Simeon HDC-502 Transmitter Charging Cradle
The Simeon HDC-502 transmitter charging cradle allows for the easy simulta-
neous charging of two Simeon 500TI handheld transmitters.
Identify the correct power adapter for the charging cradle and plug into charg-
ing jack [26]. Place the transmitters into the charger pocket [24]. The Simeon
501TI will turn off automatically when in is placed in the charging cradle. A steady
red 'ON' charging indicator will light during charging; a steady green indicator will
light once charging is complete [25]. Internal charging circuitry will sense when
charging is complete and will terminate charging automatically.
Simeon 623 Directional Boom Microphone
The Simeon 623 microphone and its alternatives are great additions to the
Simeon 500IR system, increasing its convenience and ease of use. Using it in con-
junction with the 501TI frees up your hands and allows the transmitter to be
worn either around the neck or at the waist.
Plug the microphone into the 3.5mm input jack on the bottom of the trans-
mitter [19]. The 501TI will automatically adjust sound levels to account for mi-
crophone or auxiliary input feeds. If you are using a Simeon headset microphone,
place the frame [28, 29] over your ears and adjust the boom arm [27] to position
the mic capsule to point to the corner of your mouth. It is not necessary to place
the microphone in front of your lips and doing so may diminish sound quality.
The boom microphone frame must be adjusted to rest comfortably over both
ears, with no other contact or pressure points against the head or face. Ensure
that the 501TI is not muted [22] and is turned ON. The input jack can also be used
for connecting to external audio feeds, including laptops and iPods.
Simeon 623 Directional Boom Microphone
Figures 14 & 15
27. Microphone Directional Capsule
28. Earhooks
29. Spring Metal Frame
30. Connector Cable