Air controller
Primary air controller
= Nominal heat output with lignite briquettes
= Nominal heat output with billet wood /
Secondary air controller
wood briquettes
Regulation of combustion air
Primary air controller
5..........Ignition adjustment and max. heating output
4..........Nominal heat output with lignite briquettes
4,5.......Continuous burning with lignite briquettes
0-2,5 ...Nominal heat output with billet wood
0-2,5 ...Nominal heat output with wood briquettes
Secondary air controller
3..........Ignition adjustment and max. heating output
1..........Nominal heat output with lignite briquettes
1,5.......Continuous burning with lignite briquettes
3..........Nominal heat output with billet wood
3..........Nominal heat output with wood briquettes
● As the secondary air also contributes to the cleanli-
ness of the glass pane, the secondary air controller
must always be moved in the direction of "3" while
the stove is lit.
● When not operating all controllers should be closed,
to reduce the cooling down of the room.
As the performance of your stove is very much depend-
ent on the chimney draught, the primary air controller
has to be adjusted according to your own experience.
Please note that you should not use your stove if there
is not an adequate air supply (slide valve setting too
low), as this causes the emissions to increase.