The Q-Logic 2 Controller is a fully programmable, modular
electronic controller system that allows you to operate your power
chair. The Q-Logic 2 has several input devices available that operate
through a power module. The hand control will primarily be
discussed in this manual, along with references to the Enhanced
Display, Stand-alone Joystick, and Attendant Control. Additional
input devices are also available for the Q-Logic 2. Contact your
Quantum Rehab Provider for more information.
The controller has been pre-programmed to meet a typical user's needs.
The program is adjusted using either a personal computer with software
provided by the controller manufacturer or with a hand-held programmer,
also provided by the controller manufacturer, by your Quantum Rehab
Provider or a trained service technician.
WARNING! The controller program can affect speed,
acceleration, deceleration, dynamic stability, and
braking. If it is programmed incorrectly or outside of
the safe limits as determined by your healthcare
professional, it can create a dangerous situation. Only
your Quantum Rehab Provider or a trained service
technician should program the controller.
NOTE: When a power chair is equipped with multiple input devices,
the device that powered up the chair will be in control.
Before operating the Q-Logic 2 Controller, please read the following.
These guidelines are provided for your benefit and will aid you in the safe
operation of the controller system.
Turn off the power to the controller before you are seated in your
power chair.
Follow all of the procedures and heed the warnings as explained in
your power chair owner's manual.