Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing our batteries which have been designed to satisfy the user in terms of perfor-
mances and reliability over time.
We are aware that in order for a good product to stay that way, over time, it requires continuous up-
dates aimed at meeting the expectations of those who use it on a daily basis. For this reason, we hope
that you will not only be a satisfied customer but also a partner who does not hesitate to give us your
opinions and ideas originating from your personal day-to-day experience.
Declaration of EC conformity
We hereby declare that the machine de-scribed below complies with
the relevant basic safety and health requirements of the EU Directives,
both in its basic design and construction as well as in the version put
into circulation by us. This declaration shall cease to be valid if the
machine is modified without our prior approval.
Li-ion battery
(see table page 2)
(see table page 2)
Name and position of the person authorised to sign the Declaration:
Giuseppe Riello, Chief Executive Officer of Ghibli & Wirbel S.p.A.
Name and address of the person authorised to supply the technical manual:
Luca Lenzi at Ghibli & Wirbel S.p.A.,
Via Circonvallazione 5, 27020 Dorno (PV), Italia.
Dorno (PV), 01/2020
Relevant EU Directives
Applied harmonized standards
Applied national standards
Signature ________________________
Signature ________________________
Professional Cleaning Machines Since 1968
Giuseppe Riello
Luca Lenzi