D e s i g n o p t i o n s
Different projects can be realized with different structural versions. Not only walk-in closets or niches which extend from floor to ceiling but
also half-height solutions are possible from the worktop to the ceiling. The large area that can be covered is impressive. In this way, three-
door fronts with an opening width of 2100 mm and 2800 mm wide fronts with two pairs of folding doors can be opened and accommodated
in the depth of the furniture in combination with HAWA-Concepta.
Left-hand installation
T h r e e - p i e c e f r o n t s i n c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h H A W A - C o n c e p t a 2 5 / 3 0 / 4 0 / 5 0
A e s t h e t i c s
Important requirements in modern architecture such as room-high,
flush-fitting and walk-in can be easily realized with HAWA-Folding
Concepta 25.
Sheer elegance – outside and in, made possible by the black anodized
profiles. These incorporate themselves discreetly into the furniture.
For more design freedom in high-quality furniture, without design
Subject to modification. Metric specifications are exact. Inches are approximate.
Hawa AG
8932 Mettmenstetten
Folding Concepta 25
Double installation
Left system 3-door
Right system 3-door
Tel. +41 44 787 17 17
Fax +41 44 787 17 18
Right-hand installation