Failure to read this manual completely and thoroughly, failure to understand its OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, SAFETY WARNINGS,
MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS and comply with them, and failure to comply with the METHODS TO AVOID HAZARDOUS
SITUATIONS could cause accidents resulting in serious or fatal personal injury and/or property damage.
This is the safety alert symbol used for the SETUP INSTRUCTIONS section of this manual to alert you to potential
personal injury hazards. Obey all instructions to avoid possible injury or death.
1. First, ensure bushing (#17) is inside hub of both rear wheels (#16). Attach rear wheels (#16) to base legs (#23) using (2) bolts (#14),
(2) locking washer (#18) and (2) hex nuts (#19). Then, attach front locking casters (#26) to base legs (#23) using (4) bolts (#24) and (4)
washers (#25).
2. Attach base legs (#23) to base (#21) first using (4) bolts (#14), (4) washers (#18) and (4) hex nuts (#19).
3. Attach post (#11) to base (#21) using (4) bolts (#14), washers (#18 and #20) and hex nuts (#19). Note: Do not tighten post securely until
the straps have been attached to both the base and post.
4. Insert head (#4) into post (#11) and secure by threading (1) bolt (#10) into the thread ed nut on top of post. Tighten so head will not
5. Attach bottom of straps (#13) to base (#21) using (2) bolts (#22), (2) washers (#18 and #20) and (2) hex nuts (#19). Then, attach top of
straps (#13) to post (#11) using (1) bolt (#12), (1) washers (#18 and #19) and (1) hex nut (#19).
6. Attach fingers (#3) to head using (2) bolts (#1), (2) wash ers (#2), (2) lock washers (#6), (2) washers (#5) and (2) hex nuts (#7).
7. Insert handle (#9) into hole at back of head (#4) and slide handle grips (#8) onto each end of handle.
8. Check all nuts and bolts for tightness before operating.
This is the safety alert symbol used for the OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section of this manual to alert you to potential
personal injury hazards. Obey all instructions to avoid possible injury or death.
1. Drain oil and coolant and remove flywheel from en gine be fore mounting.
2. Mount engine as di rect ed in pro ce dures which follow. Refer to engine service man u als and tech ni cal bulletins when mounting en gines.
3. Lift engine (block) with crane or hoist until even with head of engine stand.
4. Bolt through ad just able fin gers to back of block at bell housing mounting holes. Fasten se cure ly to mount ing plate.
5. Slowly lower crane or hoist so that the engine stand sup ports full weight of engine. To check engine bal ance, carefully loosen hex bolt
at back of rotating head, making sure stand is secured from tipping, and turn handle to rotate engine. If bal ance is not sat is fac tory,
rotate engine to its original position and raise with crane or hoist just enough to take weight off the stand. Loosen bolts on adjustable
fingers and realign so that weight is evenly dis trib ut ed. The engine's weight should be balanced within 1" of the mounting head's
rotational axis. Tighten all bolts securely and recheck bal ance.
6. For safe and secure operation: do not rotate engine more than 90° for any one location of the po si tion ing handle. In general, keep the
handle within 45° of horizontal. Keep a firm hold on po si tion ing han dle while rotating engine.
7. To re move an engine from stand, attach a crane or hoist and raise engine just enough to take engine weight off stand. Carefully
remove bolts attaching fingers to en gine. Be aware that there will be a slight move ment of stand as total engine weight is trans ferred
to crane.
This is the safety alert symbol used for the PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE section of this manual to alert you to potential
personal injury hazards. Obey all instructions to avoid possible injury or death.
1. Always store the Engine Stand in a well protected area where they will not be exposed to inclement weather, corrosive vapors, abrasive
dust, or any other harmful elements. The Engine Stand must be cleaned of water, snow, sand, grit, oil, grease or other foreign matter
before using.
2. Visual inspection should be made before each use of the engine stand, checking for dam aged, loose or miss ing parts. Each stand
must be in spect ed by a man u fac tur er's repair facility im me di ate ly, if ac ci den tal ly sub ject ed to an ab nor mal load or shock. Any stand
which ap pears to be damaged in any way, found to be badly worn, or op er ates ab nor mal ly MUST BE RE MOVED FROM SER VICE until
nec es sary re pairs are made by a man u fac tur er's au tho rized repair facility.
3. It is rec om mend ed that an annual inspection of the stand be made by a man u fac tur er's au tho rized repair facility and that any defective
parts, decals or warning labels be re placed with man u fac tur er's spec i fied parts. A list of authorized repair facilities is avail able from the