We suggest three ways to clean the burner tubes. Use the one easiest for you.
(A) Bend a stiff wire (a light weight coat hanger works well) into a small hook. Run the hook through each
burner tube and burner several times.
(B) Use a narrow bottle brush with a flexible handle (DO NOT use a brass wire brush), run the brush through
each burner tube and burner several times.
(C) Wear eye protection: use an air hose to force air into the burner tube and out the air ports. Check each
port to make sure air comes out each hole.
5. Wire brush entire outer surface of burner to remove food residue and dirt.
6. Clean any blocked ports with a stiff wire such as an open paper clip.
7. Check burner for damage, due to normal wear and corrosion some holes may become enlarged. If any
large cracks or holes are found replace burner.
8. Carefully refit burners.
VERY IMPORTANT: Burner tubes must re-engage
valve openings. See instructions below.
The burners have already been assembled to a high specification. Please consult the supplier if the
burners need to be replaced.