Graphic Items
To delete this band, press the PAGE key and switch to Naviga-
tion mode.
5 - Route leg
Part of route between two waypoints.
6 - Waypoint
Waypoints are identified by a circle and a number. The route start-
ing point is marked by the "X" symbol. The target waypoint is iden-
tified by a filled circle, whereas the route leg currently followed is
identified by a thicker line.
7 - Cursor
Indicates the position expressed in geographical coordinates (lati-
tude and longitude).
It is displayed when the plotter is in Cursor mode.
8 - Heading vector
Indicates graphically the boat's current route.
9 – North indicator
Indicates the north direction when the Chart Rotation func-
tion is enabled.
Functional Characteristics
This chapter describes some of the most important functions
of the GEONAV, as well as the terms most commonly used in
this document.
Switching on/Switching off the unit
To switch the GEONAV on, press the PWR key. To switch it
off, keep the PWR key pressed for more than 1 second.
Internal or external GPS
GPS inside
To make the installation easy, the GEONAV can use either its
own internal GPS receiver (if available) or an external receiver,
depending on where the unit is to be installed (indoor or out-
To select the internal/external GPS, press PAGE to display the menu,
select SETUP, then GPS INT or GPS EXT.
Depth sounder
When in depth sounder mode, the GEONAV displays the naviga-
tion window in the screen upper part, and, in the bottom part, the
sea depth in graphic form.
The depth value can be expressed in meters (selected by default),
feet and fathoms; press PAGE to display the menu, select SETUP
and then DEPTH UNITS (M/FT/FA).
Navigation mode (Automatic)
The GEONAV enters the Navigation mode as soon as the internal
or external GPS receiver transmits a valid fix; when in Navigation
The manual cursor is not displayed
The depth sounder window can be accessed
This mode is also called automatic because the unit automati-
cally selects the chart scale and updates the boat's position on
the screen.