We guarantee our
Lattoflex bed system 900
We give you a guarantee of 10 years on the
elastic spring elements, the wing elements
and the supporting profiles. In case a spring
element is deformed, a wing element or
supporting profile broken, we will quickly
deliver parts for replacement.
This 10-year guarantee is also valid for the
core of your new Lattoflex
mattress. Consider the mattress core as
being as good as new for the first three
years. On making any guarantee payments
after this period of time, a value loss of
10% per year of use is deducted from the
purchase price. Please accept that the
statutory warranty period applies to the
mattress covers, upholstered covers and
The motors of motor-powered spring base
systems are covered by a 3-year guarantee
promise. A 3-year guarantee period also
applies to all other material or manufacturing
As a general rule, differences in dimensions
for upholstered parts must be accepted up
to a tolerance of ± 2 cm. Damage due to im-
proper handling, misuse, subsequent modifi-
cations or natural wear and tear, are exclud-
ed from the warranty. Unfortunately, we will
have to charge you for any installation and
freight costs incurred after the legal warranty
period has expired.
If you have any cause for complaint, please
consult your Lattoflex dealer, keeping your
invoice and/or this guarantee statement at
the ready.
Your dealer will get in touch with us on your
behalf so that we can restore your satisfac-
tion as quickly as possible.
We have always manufactured Lattoflex
products conscientiously with all due care
and attention, making every effort not to
pollute the environment. All materials have
been chosen to ensure that they will not
create an ecological problem at the end of
their service life.