MS-7756 Manboard
Boot devce prorty bar
You can move the devce cons to change the boot prorty.
Boot menu
Ths button s used to open a boot menu. Clck the tem to boot the system from the
devce nstantly.
Mode selecton
Ths feature allows you to load presets of energy savng or overclockng.
Menu dsplay
Ths area provdes BIOS settng menu that allows you to change parameters.
Boot devce prorty bar
Ths bar shows the prorty of the boot devces. The lght cons ndcate that the
devces are avalable.
Clck and draw the con to left or rght to specfy the boot prorty.
An arrow symbol appears to the left of certan fields
that means t contans a sub-menu. A sub-menu
contans addtonal optons for a field parameter.
You can use arrow keys ( ↑↓ ) or mouse to
hghlght the field and press <Enter> or mouse
double left clck to enter the sub-menu. If you want to return to the prevous menu, just
press the <Esc > or clck the rght mouse button.
General Help
CLICK BIOS II provdes General Help wndow. You can call up the wndow from any
BIOS menu by smply pressng <F1> or clck HELP on BIOS settng screen. The Help
wndow lsts the approprate keys to use and the possble selectons for the hghlghted
Hgh prorty
Low prorty