Evercraft Air Tools 776-3703 Manuel page 2

Pistolet pulvérisateur à siphon pleine grandeur et godet
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reAd this instruction MAnuAl cArefully
And understAnd All inforMAtion before
operAting this tool.
• Always operate, inspect and maintain this tool in accordance with
American National Standards Institute Safety Code of Portable Air
Tools (ANSI B186.1) and any other applicable safety codes and
• During cleaning and flushing, sol v ents can be
forcefully expelled from fluid and air
passages. Some solvents can cause eye injury.
• Be sure all in the area are wearing im p act-
resistant eye and face protection.
• Even small projectiles can in j ure eyes and
cause blind n ess.
• High sound levels can cause per m a n ent hear i ng
loss. Protect your s elf from noise. Noise levels
vary with work sur f ace. Wear ear pro t ec t ion.
• Repetitive work motions, awk w ard po s i t ions and
ex p o s ure to vibration can be harm f ul to hands
and arms.
• Air under pressure can cause severe injury.
Al w ays shut off air supply, drain hose of air
pres s ure and dis c on n ect tool from air supply
when not in use, be f ore chang i ng ac c es s o r ies
or when mak i ng re p airs. Nev e r di r ect air at
your s elf or anyone else. Whip p ing hos e s can
cause serious injury. Al w ays check for damaged
or loose hoses and fit t ings. Never use quick
change cou p lings at tool. They add weight and
could fail due to vi b ra t ion. In s tead, add a hose
whip and con n ect cou p ling be t ween air sup p ly
and hose whip, or be t ween hose whip and
leader hose. Do not ex c eed max i m um air inlet
pres sure of 50 PSI.
• Always use tool at a safe distance from other peo p le
in work area.
• Maintain tools with care. Keep tools clean and oiled for best
and safest performance. Follow in s truc t ions for lu b ri c at i ng
and chang i ng ac c es s o r ies. Wiping or clean i ng rags and other
flam m a b le waste materials must be placed in a tight l y closed
metal con t ain e r and disposed of later in the prop e r fash i on.
• Do not wear loose or ill-fit t ing clothing; re m ove watch e s
and rings.
• Do not over reach. Keep prop e r footing and
bal a nce at all times. Slip p ing, trip p ing and
falling can be a ma j or cause of se r i o us in j u r y
or death. Be aware of excess hose left on the
walk i ng or work sur f ace.
• Do not force tool. It will do the job better and
safer at the rate for which it was de s igned.
• Do not abuse hoses or con n ec t ors. Never carry
tool by the hose or yank hose to dis c on n ect
from air sup p ly. Keep hoses from heat, oil and
sharp edg e s. Check hoses for weak or worn
condition before each use, mak i ng cer t ain that
all con nec tions are se cure.
776-3703_Manual_091310.indd 2
• When possible, secure work with clamps or vise so both hands
are free to op er ate tool.
• Avoid inhaling dust or han d ling de b ris from
work processes which can be harmful to your
• Operators and maintenance per s on n el must be
phys i c al l y able to handle the bulk, weight and
power of this tool.
• This tool is not intended for us i ng in ex p lo s ive at m ospheres and
is not insulated for contact with electric power sources.
• Solvent and coatings can be highly flam m a b le
or com b us t i b le, especially when sprayed.
Adequate exhaust must be pro v id e d to keep air
free of ac c u m u l a t ions of flam m a b le vapors.
• Smoking must never be allowed in the spray area.
• Fire extinguishing equipment must be present in the spray area.
• Never spray near sources of ignition such as pilot lights,
welders, etc.
• Halogenated hydrocarbon sol v ents — for example, me t h y l e ne
chloride — are not chem i c al l y compatible with the alu m i n um
that might be used in many system com p o n ents. The chemical
re a c t ion caused by these solvents reacting with aluminum can
be c ome violent and lead to an equip m ent explosion. Guns with
stain l ess steel fluid passages may be used with these sol v ents.
How e v e r, aluminum is widely used in other spray ap p lica t ion
equipment - such as material pumps, cups and reg u l a t ors,
valves, etc. Check all other equipment items be f ore use and
make sure they can also be used safely with these solvents.
Read the label or data sheet for the ma t e r i a l you intend to spray.
If in doubt as to whether or not a coating or cleaning ma t e r i a l is
com p at i b le, contact your ma t e r i a l supplier.
• Sprayed materials may be harm f ul if in h aled,
or if there is contact with the skin. Adequate
exhaust must be pro v id e d to keep the air
Use a mask or res p i r a t or when e v e r there is a
chance of in h al i ng sprayed ma t e r i a ls. The mask
must be com p at i b le with the material being
sprayed and its con c en t ra t ion.
free of ac cu mu la tions of toxic ma te ri als.
9/13/10 4:41:36 PM


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