(as the service provider) are responsible for insuring that this product will provide the user with a safe and easy- to-use baby changing table. The Sturdy Station 2 Changing Table will safely support up to 50 pounds while in use and is intended for use with loads of only up to 50 pounds.
La table langer Sturdy Station 2 ne doit pas tre utilis e dans les cr ches et garderies d enfants cr ches et garderies d enfants en Californie (U.S.A.) compte-tenu des lois et r glements de cet tat.
(como el proveedor del servicio) son responsables de garantizarle al usuario que este producto es seguro y f cil de usar. El cambiador para beb Sturdy Station 2 soporta hasta 50 libras de manera segura y est dise ado para utilizarse s lo con cargas de hasta 50 libras.
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Rubbermaid (als Hersteller) und Sie (als Dienstleister) sind daf r verantwortlich, dass dieses Produkt sicher und einfach in der Anwendung ist. Die Wickelstation Sturdy Station 2 hat eine Tragf higkeit von 22,5 kg (50 lbs.) und ist so konstruiert, dass sie bei ihrer Verwendung eine Belastung von bis zu 22,5 kg (50 lbs.) unterst tzt.
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(a empresa de servi os) s o respons veis por garantir que este produto ofere a ao usu rio(a) uma mesa segura e f cil de usar para a troca de fraldas do beb . A Mesa de Troca Sturdy Station 2 suporta com seguran a pesos de at 50 libras (22,7 kgs) enquanto estiver em uso e seu uso pretendido destina-se somente a cargas de at 50 libras (22,7 kgs).
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CHINESE Rubbermaid Sturdy Station 2 Rubbermaid ( Sturdy Station Sturdy Station 2 Rubbermaid Sturdy Station 2 Sturdy Station 2 2007...
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JAPANESE Rubbermaid Sturdy Station 2 Changing Table Rubbermaid Sturdy Station 2 Changing Table Sturdy Station 2 Changing Table Rubbermaid Sturdy Station 2 Changing Table Sturdy Station 2 Changing Table 2007...
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KOREAN (Rubbermaid) (Sturdy Station 2 Changing Table) . 25 2007...