The EXP-W10 is a wired expander for use with
i-on intrusion systems.
Provides 10 on-board wired zones.
Connects directly to the bus.
Designed for compatibility with security
grade 3.
Compatible with a wide variety of wired
detectors including PIR sensors, smoke
detectors, hold-up devices, perimeter
sensors and door contacts.
Provides four open-collector outputs (to
control external equipment), which can
be converted to relay outputs using the
optional i-rc01 relay card.
Engineer keypad port.
Cover and back tamper detection.
Caution: If you need to handle the PCB in the
unit, take standard precautions to prevent
damage by static electricity.
Step 1: Choose a location
The unit must be located:
Within the protected area (but not in an
entry or exit zone).
Ideally, more than 2 metres from the floor.
Out of sight of potential intruders.
On a wall or other flat surface to discourage
tamper attempts from the rear.
Step 2: Install cabling
Before you install any wiring, disconnect
all power to the control unit, including the
In general, the expander requires 7/0.2
unscreened alarm cable. Screened cable
may be needed if the site has high levels of
radio interference.
Keep keep bus cable separate from any
other wiring.
For full details of wiring requirements,
please refer to the control unit's Installation
Step 3: Mount the backplate
1. Loosen the screw on the front cover and lift
off the cover.
2. Mount the backplate to the wall (Figure 1).
Step 4: Connect all wiring
Connect all wiring to the PCB (Figure 1). See
the later sections for connection details.
Step 5: Address and configure the
WARNING: During initial power-up, keypad
sounders and any internal loudspeaker may
give an alarm tone. If you are working at the
top of a ladder, make sure that the sudden
noise does not startle you and cause a fall.
With the cover of the expander still off,
power-up the control unit.
Use the Wired Expanders option in the
Installer menu to set the address of the
expander (see "Address button") and
to configure other settings such as the
expander partitions (if applicable). For further
information, please refer to the Configuration
Guide .
Page 2
PCB links, connectors and LEDs
The following sections provide information
about the links, connectors and LEDs shown
in Figure 1.
a LED display
This displays address and diagnostic
information. Please see " Bus " .
b 0V/12V AUX terminals
The 0V/12V AUX terminals provide power
for external equipment. The terminals are
protected by a resettable fuse.
c Wired zone connections
You can connect up to 10 wired detectors (0 to
9) to the EXP-W10 using the Fully-Supervised
Loop (FSL), 4-wire Closed Circuit (CC) or 2-wire
CC wiring method (Figure 1). All detectors on
the same EXP-W10 must use the same wiring
method, but if FSL is used, each detector can
have different resistor values.
Please refer to the I-on Series Installation
Manual if you want to use two detectors per
Anti-mask detectors use 2k2 EOL, 4k7 alarm,
and 2k2 anti-mask resistors (see the i-on Series
Installation Manual ).
The total wiring and switch resistance must be
less than 100 Ohms (EOL resistor shorted in
the case of FSL).
By default, the system assumes normally-
closed contacts. Detectors with normally-open
contacts must be programmed with the
"Inverted" attribute set.
d Engineer keypad port
You can use an engineer keypad to configure
the system, rather than a keypad on the bus.
An engineer keypad does not need an address.
This port has the same purpose as an engineer
keypad port at the control unit.
e Bus
Connect the expander to the bus. Refer to
"Step 2 Install Cabling" for guidance about
bus cabling. See also "LED display" and
"Engineer keypad port" .
f RS485 bus termination link
If the EXP-W10 is at one end of the chain of
bus devices, fit a jumper across this link.
RS485 termination can improve performance
in electrically noisy environments.
g Address button
With the tamper switch open, you can use this
button to:
Request the control unit to assign an
address to the EXP-W10 − Select Address
Bus Device in the Installer menu, then press
and hold the button until you see the new
address on the LED display (for example,
"1-" followed by "01" means bus 1 device
01). Press and hold again if you want to
select the next free address.
A continuous beep approximately once per
second indicates that the EXP-W10 is waiting
for an address from the control unit.
View the current address of the EXP-W10 on
the LED display − Press once ("--" means
the device has no address).
Delete the address from the EXP-W10 −
Press and hold while applying power.
With the tamper switch closed, pressing
the Address button displays a sequence of
diagnostic information on the LED display,
such as:
"r3" then "00" − Software version 3.00.
"t" − EXP-W10 type (tC = 4-wire CC).
"12" then "-4" − Bus voltage of 12.4V.
"0-" then "12" − AUX output current of
h Disable tamper link
Connecting a jumper across the link disables
the tamper switches.. You may want to do
this if, for example, the EXP-W10 is inside
another tamper-protected enclosure (such as
the control unit).
i i-rc01 port
You can convert the four open-collector
outputs to relay outputs by connecting an
i-rc01 relay card to the i-rc01 port or directly to
the output terminals.
Please refer to the i-rc01 instructions for
further information.
j Open-collector wired outputs
The four open-collector transistor outputs
can be used to switch external equipment
on or off.
By default, the outputs are 12Vdc when
inactive and 0V when active (this can be
reversed from the Installer menu).
Note: An i-rc01 card can be used to convert
the outputs to relay (voltage-free) outputs.
k Loudspeaker connections
If fitted, a loudspeaker mimics alarm tones
and repeats setting and entry tones. The
loudspeaker must be min 16 Ohms.
A loudspeaker is not a warning device as
described by EN50131-4.
You can set the loudspeaker volume and
partitions from the Installer menu.
l Heartbeat LED
The number of flashes of the heartbeat LED
indicates the bus status:
One flash: No faults.
Two flashes: Not receiving bus data.
Three flashes: No assigned address.
Four flashes: There is bus activity, but not
for the EXP-W10.
The PCB includes resettable fuses to protect
the AUX and BUS 12V outputs. The fuses
can be reset by removing and reconnecting
the load.
The only maintenance required is cleaning
and an annual test of the expander using the
Test menu at the control unit.
Clean the outside of the case using a soft
dry cloth. Do not use water, solvents or any
proprietary cleaning agents.
Supply Voltage: 12Vdc.
Quiescent Consumption (max): 20mA (display
off, no AUX load and no loudspeaker).
Output: Open collector, 12Vdc when inactive,
0V when active. Combined total for all outputs
is 500mA max (fuse protected).
Dimensions: 230 x 144 x 44 mm (h,w,d).
Weight: 420g.
Operating Temp.: -10°C to +55°C.
Max Relative Humidity: 93%, non-condensing.
Case Material: ABS.
Intrusion Standards: EN 50131-3:2009 grade
3; PD6662:2017.