1. Presentation
The RTM3 and RTM3 DUO are medical devices designed to regulate the flow of a gas. They connect to a wall source
of pressurised gases or to a pressure regulator output.
2. Versions
The RTM3 and RTM3 DUO are available in the following versions:
Gases: Oxygen (O2) - Medical Air - Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Carbogen (95% O2 + 5% CO2) on request.
Supply pressure: 4.5 bar (+/ - 0.5 bar).
Connection nozzle: compliant with NF S 90-116 - BS 5682 - DIN 13260 - DISS - U.S. Ohmeda Diamond - NORDIC -
UNI ...
Direct connection or via a rail mounting (tube + crimped tube carrier nozzle + claw).
Threaded outlet: 12x125 M - 9/16'' M -1/4G M - 1/2'' BS F.
Single or double version.
Flow ranges:
: 0-1.5 l/min; 0-5 l/min; 0-15 l/min; 0-30 l/min.
Medical Air: 0-5 l/min; 0-15 l/min; 0-30 l/min.
: 0-12 l/min.
arbogen: 0-15 l/min.
3. Technical Specifications
Compliant with NF EN ISO 15002: 2008.
Measurement unit: litre per minute (l/min).
Accuracy of measured values: ± 10% of indicated value or ± 0.5 l/min with the highest value being retained.
Maximum flow rate out of range: 40 l/min.
Input filters: porosity 35 microns.
Serial number: with year and month of manufacture and unit number.
Pressure compensated flow meter (except the 0 to 1.5 l/min flow meter).
Temperature for use: 23°C.
3 positions: nipple outlet, humidifier outlet or OFF position.
RTM3 DUO not available in 0 to 1.5 l/min.
4. Instructions for use
Check the condition of the unit.
Check that the valve is closed.
Connect the device to the wall socket or to the pressure regulator outlet, in a vertical position.
For RTM3: Screw on a humidifier if necessary, or a nipple, to link up the medical device tube.
For RTM3 DUO: Screw a humidifier onto the appropriate output or connect directly to the nipple of the medical device.
Select the humidifier output or the nipple output by turning the ring at the bottom of the device.
Turn the valve on the front to the left until you see the desired flow on the measurement meter scale (in the middle of
the bubble).
For RTM3 DUO: Caution if the valve is not closed, the gas can exit at high throughput when leaving the OFF position.
Connect the tubing to the patient as the last stage.
To disconnect: close the valve, remove the tube from the patient, disconnect the humidifier if necessary, and then
disconnect the flow meter from the outlet or the pressure regulator outlet.