Meaning of the symbol
Warning ! Please refer to the user's manual before using the instrument.
In this User's Manual, the instructions preceded by the above symbol, should they not be carried out as shown, can result in
a physical accident or damage the instrument and the installations.
Thank you for purchasing this C.A. 6710 "Electrical Installation" demo case.
To obtain the best possible service from your instrument:
n Read these operating instructions carefully,
n Comply with the precautions for use.
n This demo case can only be used with the following measuring instruments:
- C.A 6115N (multi-function installation tester),
- C.A 6421/23/25 (earth testers),
- C.A 6511/13 or C.A 6521/23/25/31/33 (insulation testers),
- MX4600/ CDA 10 (differential testers).
n The demo case can only operate correctly if the polarity of the network to which it is connected is correct.
For this demo case to operate correctly, it must also be connected to a network with the correct earth resistance (< 50 Ω).
An acoustic and visual test enables the connection to the earth of the network and to the earth of the case to be checked along
with the polarity of the network.
n Before using the demo case, see figure 1:
- Check that the differential system on the case's input (ref. 1) is set to position O
- Set the power on switch and phase-neutral inverter (ref. 5) to 0.
- Connect the demo case to the network using the power cable
n To check the operation of the buzzer, the red polarity LED or the fuse beforehand, perform the following tests:
- Set the power on switch to position 1 and note the status of the buzzer and the red LED.
- Set the power on switch to position 2 and note the status of the buzzer and the red LED.
- If the buzzer is triggered and the red LED comes on in positions 1 and 2, it means that the network earth and the case earth
have not yet been connected. DO NOT USE THE CASE and check the continuity between the network earth and the case
earth. If the continuity is correct, RETURN TO THE AFTER-SALES DEPARTMENT.
- If the buzzer is not triggered in position 1 or position 2, it is not working. RETURN TO THE AFTER-SALES DEPARTMENT.
- If neither the buzzer nor the red LED are activated in position 1 or position 2, the fuse must be changed. Use the spare fuse
next to the blown fuse installed, both located in the power socket (ref. 4). If the buzzer and the LED still do not work, RETURN
- If all the tests above prove satisfactory (connection to network earth correct – buzzer in working order – red LED in working
order – fuse operational), set up the following configuration:
in the position (1 or 2) where the buzzer does not sound
- If and only if the connection is correct, set the input differential system (ref. 1) to the position I.
n This demo case has been designed to demonstrate measuring instruments on different types of electrical installations.
Any other use will automatically cancel the warranty and discharge the manufacturer from any liability in the event of a problem.
Do not create any phase / neutral or phase / earth short circuits. Such faults can damage the case and trip the
protective systems of the installation to which the case is connected.
Apart from on the socket for connection to the mains, all the earths on the case (including those on the sockets) are
«simulated» earths which are not really connected to the earth.
Do not apply voltages on the earth simulation terminals.
and the red LED comes on.