Alarm delay
Modify private PIN
Normal working mode:
- command confirmation: short beep
- invalid command: long beep
Programming mode
- green LED on
- command confirmation: 2 short beeps
- invalid command: 3 short beeps
Enter programming mode: press [#] + [programming PIN] (the default programming PIN is 881122). You
will hear 2 confirmation beeps and the green LED will light.
Change programming PIN: press [0] + [new programming PIN] + [confirm new PIN]. You will hear 3
confirmation beeps.
Door open mode selection
- card or PIN: press [1] + [0]. You will hear 2 confirmation beeps.
- card + PIN: press [1] + [1]. You will hear 2 confirmation beeps.
NOTE: In card or PNI door open mode the PIN is either the public one or a private one (up to 999).
Door open time setting: press [2] + [TT], TT = time interval in seconds. You will hear 2 confirmation
beeps. For example, if the door open time is 3 sec then TT = 03
Change public PIN: press [3] + [new 4 digit PIN]. You will hear 2 confirmation beeps.
Tamper switch:
- disable: press [4] + [0]. You will hear 2 confirmation beeps.
- enable: press [4] + [1]. You will hear 2 confirmation beeps.
Enrolling EM cards: press [5] + [3 digit index code] + present card 1 + present card 2 ......... + [3]. After
every presented card you will hear 3 confirmation beeps.
- the 3 digit index code (001 - 999) is important for deleting a lost card.
- when enrolling multiple cards the index code will be increased automatically.
- the default private PIN for every card is 0000
Door contact:
- disable: press [6] + [0]. You will hear 2 confirmation beeps.
- enable: press [6] + [1] to deactivate the tamper switch. You will hear 2 confirmation beeps.
NOTE: The door contact must be purchased separately.
Delete cards:
- Delete card by index code: press [7] + [index code 1] + [index code 2] + ..+ [#]. After every index code you
will hear a long confirmation beep.
- Delete card by presenting it: press [7] + present card 1 + present card 2 + ... + [#]. After every card you will
hear a long confirmation beep.
- Delete all cards: restore factory default settings
0 sec.