0 1
3 2 8 9
3 2 8 9 is an example of a Private Master Code here. It
replaces the old Master Code 0 0 0 0.
3. Configure the users
Now, configure the first user, using one of the following
The keypad accepts
1. Card only
2. Code only
3. Card + Code
4. Card + Common User Code (not explained here, see
the VMBKP User Manual on www.velbus.eu)
to operate the User Group channels.
Below, you will find examples of how to configure the first
three possibilities.
3.1 Record an "EM Card" to operate the User Group 1
1 0
(1) 10 = Programming Location for User Group 1
(2) 1 = Programming option for EM Card only
(3) 001 = one of the 1,000 User IDs for the User
Code/Card from 000-999
(4) Read Card = Hold the card close to the card reader
(5) Entry confirmation: 2 beeps confirm that the card is
3.2 Set a "User Code" to operate the User Group 1
1 0
0 0 2 8 3 2 1
(1) 10 = Programming Location for User Group 1
(2) 2 = Programming option for User Code only
(3) 002 = one of the 1,000 User IDs for the User
Code/Card from 000-999
(4) 8 3 2 1 = the User Code for activating the User group
1 channel (8 3 2 1 is just an example here)
(5) Entry confirmation: 2 beeps confirm that the User
Code is stored
3.3 Record an "EM Card + User Code" to operate the
User Group 1 channel
1 0
(2) (3)
(1) 10 = Programming Location for User Group 1
(2) 3 = Programming option for EM Card + User Code.
(The User Code can be repeated use or unique)
(3) 003 = one of the 1,000 User IDs for the User
Code/Card from 000-999
(4) Read Card = Hold the card close to the card reader
(5) 6 1 2 3 = the User Code to be used with the EM Card
for activating the User group 1 channel (6 1 2 3 is
just an example here)
(6) Entry confirmation: 2 beeps confirm that the EM
Card + User Code combination is stored
Velbus – Legen Heirweg 33, BE-9890 Gavere, Belgium – tel. +32 9 384 36 11 – e-mail: info@velbus.eu – www.velbus.eu
# : 2 beeps
6 1 2 3
4. Repeat for other users if necessary
If more User Codes and Cards are required for User
Group 1 channel, repeat the procedures above with other
User IDs, such as 005, 006, 007 --- 999 etc. A total of 1,000
users are allowed.
5. Exit Programming Mode
* *
2 beeps, programming mode is closed. The keypad is back
to normal operation (the amber LED flashes slowly to
indicate standby).
The keypad is now ready for use.
To obtain access, a user must do one of the following
(according to their specific configuration).
1. Activate User Group 1 channel with an EM Card
READ CARD : 2 beeps, User Group 1 channel is activated
2. Activate User Group 1 channel with a User Code
8 3 2 1 # : 2 beeps, User Group 1 channel is activated
3. Activate User Group 1 channel with an EM Card + User
6 1 2 3
channel is activated
4. Activate User Group 1 channel with an EM Card +
Common User Code
1 3 5 7
channel is activated
Deleting Users
If necessary, you can delete users as follows.
1. Activate User Group 1 channel with a User Code
1 0
User ID
(a) Enter the User Group that the User ID belongs to. "1 0"
for Group 1, "2 0" for Group 2
(b) Enter "5", the Command Code for making a deletion
(c) Enter the User ID
(d) Press the # key. A double beep confirms a valid entry
and the Code and/or Card associated with that User ID
are cleared
2. Delete a Card (that you still have)
1 0
Read Card
(a) Enter the User Group that the Card belongs to. "1 0"
for Group 1, "2 0" for Group 2
(b) Enter "5", the Command Code for making a deletion
(c) Present the EM card. A single beep confirms the
reading. Reading the card is sufficient for a valid
deletion of a card working with a Common User Code
or a Secondary User Code
(d) Press the # key. A double beep confirms a valid entry.
The Card associated with that User ID is cleared.
# : 2 beeps, User Group 1
# : 2 beeps, User Group 1