6. Dispensing
1. Place a QuikRead cuvette below the discharge tube.
2. Slowly steadily depress plunger button, release gently. No air bubbles should be
visible during dispensing.
3. Confi rm the volume dispensed into the cuvette: the buffer surface should be
between the two lines marked on the cuvette.
If the piston moves stiffy or is diffi cult to move, stop dispensing immediately and
clean the instrument (see chapter 7).
7. Cleaning and maintenance
Dispenser will only function safely if cleaned regularly, once a week is recommended.
Be sure to clean the dispenser:
1. Immediately, if the plunger button moves stiffl y
2. Before starting on a new reagent kit
3. Before longer downtimes
4. Before any maintenance and repair work
Dispenser, intake tube and discharge tube may be fi lled with reagent. To prevent
injury from chemicals, always wear eye protection, protective clothing and
protective gloves. Always point the discharge tube outlet away from the user or
other people. Reagent may splash!
7.1. Emptying
1. Unscrew the dispenser and lift it high enough so that the intake tube is no longer
immersed in liquid.
2. Cautiously tap the intake tube against the inside of the bottle so that any remaining
reagent runs out.
3. Place a suitable vessel below the discharge tube.
4. Empty the discharge tube by repeated dispensing movements.