WARNINGS & CAUTIONS Please read this safety information carefully and
keep this document for future reference. Help articles and customer support is
always available at https://helpdesk.nanoleaf.me/. This Nanoleaf® product is
not designed, certified, nor intended for use in: enclosed locations that limit the
flow of air and/or trap heat which contributes to an environment temperature
over 45 degrees Celsius; emergency exits, emergency lighting, or other use cases
involving critical systems for human safety; in conjunction with 3rd party devices
that are not approved by Nanoleaf® for use with Nanoleaf® products; locations
or use cases where there is a risk of electric shock; out door areas, regardless of
weather conditions; wet or damp conditions; excessively humid areas; regions or
countries other than that in which the product was intended for and certified for
sale in. Risk of electric shock - do not use where directly exposed to water. Not
for use with dimmers. Not for use in totally enclosed luminaires. When using this
Nanoleaf® product: Always install the luminaire in accordance with your local
building code and consult a qualified electrician if necessary. Do not open or
disassemble the device, as this will void the warranty and make the product
unsafe for use. While connected to the electrical supply of the building, do not
place any metallic or conductive objects near any exposed metal contacts on
any component. Unplug the power supply unit from the power source before
moving the device. Do not allow small children to operate this device without
adult supervision. Do not step on any part of the device, as this will cause
breakage. Do not submerge any part of the device in water, or expose any part
of the device to water. It's often unwise to stick your fingers (or other parts of your
person or conductive things connected to your person) in dark places that you
can't see inside. Always practice safe play with battery operated and plug-in
devices. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE Do not clean the device with liquid or