3.7 Profile workout
With this key
and between nine personal profiles, saved by the trainer.
3.7.1 Predefined profiles
The predefined profiles are variable workouts defined on the basis of one of
three goals: time, distance or calorie consumption. The goal value is set in the
programming stage and can be changed during the exercise with the
corresponding keys.
Profile workouts are set at the effort level specified by the user, calculated
with the fitness test; you are advised, therefore, to do the fitness test first.
The heart rate monitor is not needed for profile workouts.
When the dedicated key
select profile (1-6)
Press one of the number keys for profiles 1 to 6 and the goal dial play will show
the altitude features of the corresponding profile.
Bike Forma - User's manual
you can choose between 6 preset, non-modifiable profiles
is pressed you are prompted to select a profile.
Profile 1
Profile 2
Profile 3
Profile 4
Profile 5
Profile 6