MIDI data format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des donées MIDI
1 MIDI Receive/Send
1.1 Receive/Send conditions
<MIDI Receive conditions>
Following MIDI data is transmitted via the MIDI OUT
exception for "FE".
$8n (Note Off)
$9n (Note On)
(Poly Key Pressure/After Touch)
$Bn (Control Change)
$Cn (Program Change)
$Dn (Chnnel Pressure/After Touch)
$En (Pitch Bend)
$F0 (System Exclusive)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271PG
(Program Change Memory Bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271FN
(FUNCTION Memory Bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271FC
(FC Memory Bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271AL
(All Memory Bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271MX
(MIX Program Change Bulk)
$F1 (MIMI Time Code Quater Frame)
$F2 (Song Position Pointer)
$F3 (Song Select)
$F6 (Tune Request)
$F7 (EOX)
$F8 (Timing Clock)
$FA (Start)
$FB (Continue)
$FC (Stop)
$FE (Active Sensing)
$FF (System Reset)
<MIDI Transmit>
$8n (Note Off)
$9n (Note On)
$Bn (Control Change)
$Cn (Program Change)
$Dn (After Touch)
$En (Pitch Bend)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271PG
(Program Change Memory Bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271FN
(FUNCTION Memory Bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271FC
(FC Memory Bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271AL
(All Memory Bulk)
$F0 43 00 7A bb bb LM__0271MX
(MIX Program Change Bulk)
$F0 43 7E 00 ss dd
(Section Control)
$F0 43 6n 7A (Reset Start)
$F0 43 6n 7D (Stop & Rewind)
$F0 43 7E 01 t4 t3 t2 t1
(Tempo Control)
$F7 (EOX)
$FA (Start)
$FB (Continue)
$FC (Stop)
$FE (Active Sensing)
1.2 Channel Message
1.2.1 Note On/Off
Following stored data in the Function memory can be
transmitted by pressing the Foot Switch.
Received data is also transmitted via the MIDI OUT.
1.2.2 Control Change
Following data in the Function memory can be transmitted
by pressing the Foot Switch or Foot Controller.
Received data is also transmitted via the MIDI OUT.
1.2.3 Program Change
Stored data in the Program Change Memory or Function
Memory (following data) can be transmitted by pressing
Foot Switch or Foot Controller.
Received data is also transmitted via the MIDI OUT.
1.2.4 After Touch .Pitch Bend
Can be transmitted by using Foot Controller
Received data is also transmitted via the MIDI OUT.
1.3 Exclusive
1.3.1 Section Control
Section control data (stored in the Function Memory) can
be transmitted by using Foot Switch.
Transmit data: F0, 43, 7E, 00, SS, DD, F7
Received data is also transmitted via the MIDI OUT.
Note On
= $9n, 0-127, 1-127
Note Off
= $8n, 0-127, 1-127
Foot Switch
=$Bn, 0-127, 0-127
Foot Controller
=$Bn, 0-120, 0-127
Foot Switch
=$Cn, 0-127
Foot Controller
=$Cn, 0-120
After Touch
=$Dn, 0-127
Pitch Bend
=$En, 0-127, 0-127
Section Number 00-27 [Hex]
ON/OFF (ON=7F, OFF=00)