USB- Port and Button
To change the modes of the Gimbal, it is necessary to use the white button on the Grip. This button
does also show the current mode by an integrated LED. Below you will find a detailed description.
Future firmware updates can be installed through the USB- Port.
Please visit our homepage for further information.
Working modes
See below how to change the modes!
Heading Follow Mode (Mode 1) >> Single Press:
The pitch angle remains fixed. The camera head is following the roll movement of the grip. To adjust
the pitch angle, you need to enter Mode 2 and adjust the camera head according to the grip
movement. You can then return to Mode 1.
This mode is automatically activated after switching on the Gimbal.
Heading and Pitch Follow Mode (Mode 2) >> Double Press:
The camera head is following the roll angle as well as the pitch angle of the Grip. If you wish to use
the camera vertically in this mode, the Grip needs to be hold accordingly.
Heading Lock Mode (Mode 3) >> Long Press:
The camera head remains fixed, independet from the Grip- position.
Button and Functions
Single Press
Double Press
Long Press
LED Single Flash
LED Double Flash
LED Constant Flash
Heading Follow Mode
Heading and Pitch Follow Mode
Heading Lock Mode