TEM 6100
Kangfu Medical Equipment Factory
No. 380 Ningkang East Road, Yueqing, Zhejiang 325600, China
Industriilor, nr. 2M, Bucharest, 032895‐Romania
Lot: KFT‐03201261‐63
Manual instrucciones: 30/07/2012
CE 0197
Eliminación del electrodoméstico viejo.
En base a la Norma europea 2002/96/CE de Residuos de aparatos Eléctricos y
Electrónicos (RAEE), los electrodomésticos viejos no pueden ser arrojados en los
contenedores municipales habituales; tienen que ser recogidos selectivamente
para optimizar la recuperación y reciclado de los componentes y materiales que
los constituyen, y reducir el impacto en la salud humana y el medioambiente. El
símbolo del cubo de basura tachado se marca sobre todos los productos para
recordar al consumidor la obligación de separarlos para la recogida selectiva.
El consumidor debe contactar con la autoridad local o con el vendedor para informarse en
relación a la correcta eliminación de su electrodoméstico viejo.
Although the generally accepted "normal"reading is 37.0°C temperatura readings can vary
from 36.1 °C/97.0 to 37.2°C and still may be considered as "normal" . Variations in
temperature can be attributed to activities such as exercise , smoking , eating and drinking .
Body temperature is lower in the morning than in the afternoon . Other variations are due to
the body where temperature is measured . While oral temperature follows the guidelines
previously described , rectal temperature is generally 0.5°C of higher, and axillary(under the
arm)temperature will be 0.5°C of lower.
Measurement range: 32 °C ‐‐‐42. 9°C
Low temperature display: Temperature<32 °C display LOC
High tern perature display: Temperature > 43 °C display H°C
Accuracy: 35‐‐‐42 °C +/‐ 0.1 ,(within the ambient temperature range from 18°C to 28°C).
Display resolution: 0.1°C
Normal beep sound: 10 long beep sounds in 10 seconds
Fever beep sound(>3 7.8°C: 30 short beep sounds in 10 seconds
Auto power off: 8minute +/‐ 2minute
Battery: AG3 or LR41 ; Life of battery: 2years or 2500times