Which humidity control do I have?
The Steam Humidifier comes with a humidity control. Your humidity control will either be included in your home
thermostat (RedLINK Prestige or VisionPRO IAQ), or it will be a separate device (TrueIAQ or HumidiPRO). You will
use the humidity control to set the desired humidity level for your home, and to turn the Steam Humidifier on and off.
RedLINK Prestige™ High-Definition Color
Advanced wireless control of air quality equipment
Automatically controls temperature, Steam
Humidifier, and other air quality equipment
Shows actual and desired humidity on an intuitive
digital display
Wireless sensor for displaying outdoor temperature
and humidity
Maintenance and service reminders
VisionPRO™ IAQ
Automatically controls temperature, Steam
Humidifier, and other air quality equipment
Sensor for displaying outdoor temperature
Easy 7-day temperature programming on an
intuitive digital display
Maintenance and service reminders
Automatically controls air quality equipment
Sensor for displaying outdoor temperature
and humidity
Shows actual humidity and desired setting
Maintenance and service reminders
HumidiPRO Digital Control
Automatic humidification control with advanced
window protection
Optional manual humidification or dehumidification
Steam Humidification System 69-2286EF—05