use BTDOCK3Ø_mise en page 1 28/02/14 17:16 page3
1. To power the receiver:
This product has its own power
reach of
supply: when you connect it to your
or try to
Dock station, it will be powered by
your station.
as been
2. First use:
tion, dis-
1) Connect the receiver on your docking
e mains
station's 30-pin Dock connector.
evice be-
2) Activate the Bluetooth
t using it.
your device (tablet, telephone, lap-
ct, please
top, mp3 player, console, etc.).
ar credit
Select "BTDOCK30" from the list
3) Depending on the model in ques-
tion, the device will either connect
automatically or you will have to
enter the password 0000.
When pairing has succeeded, the
receiver's LED will remain lit up
3. To broadcast music on your
Dock station:
Activate playing music on your device.
function in
Your device's music will start up on
your Dock station.