LED Indication:
The status of the battery is indicated by the LEDs visible in the status window:
Green flashing:
Green solid:
Blue flashing:
Blue solid:
Red flashing:
Red solid:
Recharge Time
The ND2054 battery requires up to 3.5 hours to recharge a fully depleted battery.
Recalibration Time
Recalibration consists of a calibration charge, followed by a calibration discharge. Finally
the battery is given a regular charge. A calibration cycle will be faster if the battery is fully
charged to begin with. Recalibration time is governed by the battery voltage and
capacity. Larger batteries will take longer to recalibrate. Calibration is initiated each time
the button is pressed, so it is not recommended to press the recalibration button part
way through the recalibration cycle.
What are the SMBus and the SBS?
The Smart Battery System defines the parameters that are stored by an SBS-compliant
battery. These parameters include full battery status and fuel gauging information. The
System Management Bus is the language by which these parameters are communicated
between the battery, the charger and the host device.
How does the charger know what charge to deliver?
The CH5000 charger is capable of sensing and delivering an appropriate charge.
Upon inserting the battery into the charger, the battery communicates to the charger
over the SMBus telling the charger what type of cell chemistry it is and what type of
charge regime it needs. The CH5000 then configures its output to provide the charge
regime requested by the battery. If no SMBus communications are issued from the
battery, the charger interrogates the thermistor/resistor I.D. pin on the battery terminal
and delivers an appropriate charge.
Fuel Gauge Operation
You may receive one of two different batteries with your LED headlight system. The
main difference between these two battery packs is the location and the function of the
battery gauge.
On one battery type (shown below), the LCD fuel gauge employs a 'five' segment LCD.
Each segment represents approximately 20% of the batteries remaining capacity. Each
Battery charging
Battery fully charged
Battery in calibration mode
Battery fuel gauge calibrated
Battery fuel gauge in need of recalibration
Rev. A
Date of Revision:07/20/16
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