16 - Contraindication
17 - Products references
See the sales documentation of the product (being prepared).
18 - Warning, avoid any mutual disturbance
Be certain that the wireless System doesn't disturb other Systems and that it is
not being disturbed itself by other Systems.
Use different codes and different frequencies
19 - Countries limitation of the use
See ERC/REC 70-03 for eventual limitation of the use of Annex 1 Bands F1 and
F2 (Non-specifi c short range devices).
20 - Manufacturer information
Head offi ce and plant : :
ZAC la Bâtie, rue Champrond
F38334 SAINT ISMIER cedex
Tel : +33 (0)4 76 41 44 00 - Fax : +33 (0)4 76 41 44 44
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revision 03
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