a desagüe
de piscina
The filter should be installed as close as possible to the swimming pool and preferably at a level of 0,50
metres below the surface of the water in the swimming pool. Make sure there is drainage available at
the place where the filter is to be installed.
IMPORTANT: Do not use an iron and hemp pipe for the selector valve connection, it is essen-
tial to use plastic accessories and TEFLON tape. Pipe terminals are available threaded fixing in
1 ½ " and 2".
Always leave enough space round the filter in order to perform the necessary examinations and
maintenance during the filter's life, minimum 20cm.
Follow these indications for a correct assembly of the filter:
1.- Place the filter on a horizontal and clean surface.
2.- Place the filter in its final location.
3.- In case of a filter with a lateral valve, install the selector valve in the filter. Make sure that the joints
between the valve and the filter are correctly placed.
4.- Perform the three connections of the selector valve: pump piping to the valve, valve to the waste
drain and valve to the pool return. Each of these three outlets is clearly identified on the valve.
5.- Set the manometer T, the joint, the manometer and the air drainage (see exploded view). It is not
necessary to use Teflon tape, as the watertightness is guaranteed in this case by the joint. Do not
tighten the manometer T with a tool, as manually will be sufficient.
válvula selectora
selector valve
a piscina
de piscina
a desagüe