Training in USER MODE
Select User to set up your own profile.
• Set loadsettings for each segment via up/down
and confirm with enter.
• Press enter again for 2 seconds and set target
value for level, time, distance, calories and
• If you donot intend setting any target value,
start exercising by pressing st/stop.
• Start exercising by pressing st/stop.
Training in HRC. MODE
Select HRC and use up/down to set your age, con-
firm with enter.
• Select 55%, 75%, 90% or TAG.
• In TAG you may preset your target heart rate
value via up/down. Confirm with enter.
• Set target value for level, time, distance, calo-
ries and pulse.
• If you donot intend setting any target value,
start exercising by pressing st/stop.
• Upon entering rate in Bpm (Beats per minute)
the load tension will be controlled by current
heart rate.
• The resistance will be auto-adjusted according
to current heart rate figure. If your heart rate
figure is under the target pulse, the tension will
be up-adjusted one level every 30 seconds, up
to the maximum level 16.
• As soon as your heart rate figure has achieved
the target pulse, tension will be down adjusted
one level immediately.
• In case of overspec the level will be down ad-
justed one level immediately, and keep down-
adjusting each 15 seconds until your heart rate
figure has achieved the target pulse.
• If the current heart rate is still overspec at L1,
the computer wil shut down automatically
after 30 seconds.
Training in RACE MODE
Select Race and confirm with enter.
• Use up/down to adjust load level 'L', confirm
selection by pressing enter.
L1 = 8:00 ; L2 = 7:30 ; L3 = 7:00
L4 = 6:30 ; L5 = 6:00 ; L6 = 5:30
L7 = 5:00 ; L8 = 4:30 ; L9 = 4:00
L10 = 3:30 ; L11 = 3:00 ; L12 = 2:30
L13 = 2:00 ; L14 = 1:30 ; L15 = 1:00
• Set target distance via up/down and confirm
with enter.
• Start race by pressing st/stop.
• Screen displays U & PC. The exercise will be fin-
ished after the total distance has been covered.