Fresh Air Kit
A fresh air kit enables you to use outside air, instead of room
air to fuel the fire. Using an outside source for combustion air
has its advantages. If your home is tight and well insulated,
then the fire in the stove may be "starved" of combustible air,
it will be difficult maintaining a fire, and you may have back
drafting problems.
During the heating season, cold air, (which is more dense than
warm air), will cause the fire to burn a little hotter, resulting
in more BTU's from your wood, and less creosote build-up.
Figure 5
Illustration of Oval with
fresh air kit
Installation is Easy
Mounting holes and airways are all pre-punched on all new
Oval and Sweetheart cookstoves.(See figure 5)
Simply remove the cover plates (right side of firebox on the
Oval and, bottom of the firebox on Sweetheart). Now you
are ready for installation. A complete set of diagrams and
instructions are included with each fresh air kit.
Please note that some States require a fresh air source to be
installed with wood burning appliances. Please check your
local, and state, building codes.
Water Jacket
The average family spent about one quarter of their utility
bill to heat water last year. By installing the water jacket in
your cookstove, you can reduce or virtually eliminate your
hot water utility bill.
Fresh air kit
Installation is Easy
The water jacket can be installed in the stove in less than a
minute using only a slot screwdriver. The water jacket is a
hollow baffled chamber that fits in the firebox. Two pipes and
a pump installed from the water jacket to the electric or gas
water heater, circulate heated water from the stove to the
storage tank. (See illustration, Fig. 6.)
Figure 6
A Sample Oval Water Jacket Installation
This is an illustration of an active or pumped
circulating hot water system.
You can expect from 8 to 10 gallons (30.3 to 37.9L) or more
hot water per hour (about 10,000 BTUs) from your oval water
jacket, OR 6 to 8 gallons (22.7 to 30.3L) (about 8,000 BTUs)
from your Sweetheart water jacket.
Because cold water cools the water jacket in the firebox,
creosote will be attracted to its cool surface, like humidity being
attracted to a cold window. These deposits will quickly burn off
thus reducing creosote formation in the stove and chimney.
An installation and operating manual is packed with every Oval
and Sweetheart water jacket. Extra copies may be obtained
from your dealer or by contacting AGA Marvel.