Midas, Klark Teknik, Lab Gruppen, by qualified personnel. instalación o modificación debe ser realizada únicamente or table specified by the Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound, TC Electronic, TC Helicon, que no pueda ser pisado y que esté protegido de objetos por un técnico cualificado. manufacturer, or sold with...
Ce symbole avertit de la présence d’une niveau de sa prise électrique et de l’ e ndroit où il est relié à Fachpersonal ausgeführt werden. Midas, Klark Teknik, Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, tension dangereuse et non isolée à 14. Verwenden l’appareil;...
Todas as modifiche devono essere eseguite esclusivamente da produttore o venduti con 13. Utilize apenas ligações/acessórios especificados Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound, TC Electronic, marcas são propriedade de seus respectivos donos. personale qualificato. l'apparecchio. Utilizzando pelo fabricante.
Alla varumärken tillhör respektive ägare. Midas, 19. Plaats geen open vlammen, zoals brandende stopcontact passen, laat het contact dan door een med intakt skyddsledare. Klark Teknik, Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound, kaarsen, op het apparaat. elektricien vervangen. TC Electronic, TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Oberheim, 12.
Naprawy mogą być jedynie zalecanych odpowiednich właścicieli. Midas, Klark Teknik, wykonywane jedynie przez wykwalifikowany personel. przez producenta Lab Gruppen, Lake, Tannoy, Turbosound, TC Electronic, lub znajdujących Uwaga TC Helicon, Behringer, Bugera, Oberheim, Auratone, się w zestawie W celu wyeliminowania zagrożenia Aston Microphones i Coolaudio są...
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15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring wiring standard for the TKT series product: pin 1+ is positive pin 1- is negative.
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30 A. Tannoy ha adoptado el estándar de cableado convencional para el producto de la serie TKT: will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring Requisitos del sistema el pin 1+ es El pin positivo 1- es negativo.
Tannoy a adopté la norme de câblage conventionnelle pour le produit de la série TKT: la broche 1+ est will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring Configuration requise la broche positive 1- est négative.
Tannoy hat den herkömmlichen Verdrahtungsstandard für das Produkt der TKT-Serie übernommen: Pin 1+ will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring ist positiver Pin 1- ist negativ.
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15 mm e uma classificação de corrente de 30 A. A Tannoy adotou o padrão de will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring fiação convencional para o produto da série TKT: pino 1+ é...
12) con un diametro esterno fino a 15 mm e una corrente nominale di 30 A. Tannoy ha adottato lo standard will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring di cablaggio convenzionale per il prodotto della serie TKT: il pin 1+ è...
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De SpeakON-connectoren accepteren draad tot 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) met will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring Bewaar alstublieft alle verpakking in geval van toekomstige retourzending.
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15 mm och en strömstyrka på 30 A. Tannoy har antagit den konventionella will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring ledningsstandarden för TKT-serieprodukten: stift 1+ är positiv stift 1- är negativ.
Firma Tannoy przyjęła konwencjonalny standard okablowania dla produktów serii TKT: pin 1+ jest will accept wire up to 4 mm sq CSA (AWG 12) with an outside diameter of up to 15 mm and a current rating of 30 A. Tannoy have adopted the conventional wiring Wymagania systemowe dodatni pin 1 jest ujemny.
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TKT Series TKT Series Quick Start Guide Specifications cations System 65 Hz – 18K Hz ±3 dB 85 Hz – 20K Hz ±3 dB 80 Hz – 20K Hz ±3 dB Frequency response 45 Hz – 16K Hz -10 dB 63 Hz –...
TKT Series Quick Start Guide Other important information Outras Informações Important information Informations importantes Belangrijke informatie Ważna informacja Importantes 1. Register online. Please register your new 1. Enregistrez-vous en ligne. Prenez le 1. Registre-se online. Por favor, registre seu 1. Registreer online. Registreer uw nieuwe 1.
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TKT Series Quick Start Guide Hereby, Music Tribe declares that this product is in compliance with Directive 2011/65/EU and Amendment 2015/863/EU, Directive 2012/19/EU, Regulation 519/2012 REACH SVHC and Directive 1907/2006/EC, and this passive product is not applicable to EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, LV Directive 2014/35/EU. Full text of EU DoC is available at https://community.musictribe.com/ EU Representative: Music Tribe Brands DK A/S Address: Ib Spang Olsens Gade 17, DK - 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark...