display 0°C, when it's upper 50°C, it display
50°C. Humidity test cope: 20%~95%, test
period: 60 seconds. When humidity is
under 20%, it display 20%, when it's upper
95%, it display 95%.
Backlight function
When never put together or separate the
main part to subordinate part, the
backlight turns on. When main part and
subordinate part put together, when alarm
time is out, both backlights on for 70
seconds, when they are separately put,
when it alarms, only main part's backlight
on for 70 seconds. When main part and
subordinate part put together, when timer
is out, both backlights on for 70 seconds,
when they are separately put, when it
alarms, only main part's backlight on for 70
seconds. Backlight also sound controlled.