Attach to 1.25" Hitch Receiver
1. Slide the shank of the Bump-It rack into the vehicle's
hitch receiver and align the pin holes.
2. Place a star washer (Fig.1B) and then a flat washer
(Fig. 1C) onto the threaded NoMotion hitch pin (Fig. 1A),
and insert the pin through the hitch receiver and into the
larger threaded hole of the shank (Fig.1). The flat washer
will protect the paint on the hitch receiver.
3. Using the supplied
wrench and
" socket, tighten the hitch pin until it is secure
against the hitch receiver.
NOTE: The hitch pin should be tightened until the star
washer is fully compressed or about 5 ft-lbs of torque.
4. Place a hairpin cotter pin through the hole on the end of
the NoMotion hitch pin.
NOTE: The installed hairpin cotter pin can also be used as
a tool to tighten or loosen the hitch pin.
NOTE: The NoMotion hitch pins are lockable with a
customer-supplied padlock having a
Attach to 2" Hitch Receiver
If utilizing a larger 2" hitch receiver:
1. Push the supplied aluminum adapter onto the end of the
shank and align the smaller threaded Bump-It shank screw
hole with the hole in the adapter (Fig.2).
2. Use the included hex key to tighten the supplied socket
head hex screw and secure the adapter to the Bump-It
NOTE: Make sure the pin holes are aligned even if the end
of the adapter extends past the end of the shank.
3. Complete steps 1-4 from the 1.25" hitch receiver
smaller shank
screw hole
" adjuster wrench or a socket
" or smaller shackle.
screw hole
socket head
Rack Adapter
Installation and Owner's Manual
(For Aftermarket Applications)
Attach BikeWing to Bump-IT
1. Detach the base of the Jack-IT bicycle rack's BikeWing
by removing the hairpin cotter pin and NoMotion hitch pin
and washers from the Jack-IT Stinger
adjuster wrench or a socket wrench can be used to remove
the Jack-It NoMotion hitch pin.
NOTE: The BikeWing component of the Jack-It bicycle
rack is also sold separately and may not need to be
detached from Jack-IT.
2. Attach the BikeWing Y-shaped base to the end of the
Bump-IT shank with a NoMotion hitch pin and washers
NOTE: Do not attach the Stinger to Bump-IT shank.
3. After tightening the NoMotion hitch pin securely, insert
the hairpin cotter pin through the hole at the end of the
NoMotion hitch pin.
hairpin cotter pin
NOTE: When removing the Bump-IT accessory from the
hitch receiver, store the NoMotion hitch pin and hardware
hex screw
by securing them to the shank and attaching the hairpin
cotter to the end of the pin.
. The supplied
NoMotion pin
split lock
gusset facing down