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Operating Manual


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Senci AP170F

  • Page 1 AP170F/AP188F/AP190F Operating Manual...
  • Page 2: Table Des Matières

    CONTENTS 1. SAFETY TIPS…………………………………………………………1 2. SPECIFICATIONS AND PARTS DESCRIPTION…………………3 3. FUEL AND ENGINE OIL……………………………………………5 4. PRE-OPERATION INSPECTION…………………………………..5 5. STARTING THE ENGINE …………………………….. ………….. .6 6. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE………………………………7 7. STORAGE OF ENGINE………………………………………………8 8. TROUBLE SHOOTING………………………………………………8 9. ELECTRIC DIAGRAM………………………………………………9 10. EXPLODED PARTS DIAGRAM……………………………………9 11.
  • Page 3: Safety Tips

    Thank you for purchasing this general purpose engine. This Operation Manual tells you how to operate and service your gasoline engine. Please read it before using the engine to ensure proper handling and operating. Follow the instructions carefully to keep your engine in the best running condition. This Operation Manual deals with the main operating points of the engine.
  • Page 4: Specifications And Parts Description

    2. SPECIFICATIONS AND PARTS DESCRIPTION 2-1. Specifications AP170F AP188F AP190F Model Displacement - cc 70X54 88X64 90X66 Bore x Stroke - mm 8.5:1 8.0:1 8.0:1 Compression ratio 3000 3000 3000 Speed - rpm Max. Output - hp 13.0/2500 25.4/2500 26.8/2500 Max.
  • Page 5: Engine Oil

    3. ENGINE OIL ·3-2. Engine oil Use the engine oil as described in the table below . Recommended engine oil: SAE 10W-30 ·Do not add commercial additives to the oil. ·Do not mix gasoline into the oil. WARNING: Engine is shipped without oil. Before starting, be sure to conduct an oil inspection by following the instructions: Place the engine on a level surface when adding oil or inspecting;...
  • Page 6: Starting The Engine

    4-3. Engine Oil Inspection ·Is the engine filled with the recommended engine oil, and is the oil dirty? If there is not enough oil, if it is dirty, or it has been used longer than the specified time, add or change the engine oil. 4-4.
  • Page 7: Inspection And Maintenance

    6. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE 6-1.Daily and Regular Inspection WARNING: Daily and regular inspections are important to assure safe, proper and long-term operation of the engine. Refer to the regular inspection table when conducting inspections and maintenance. Regular Inspection Table: Noted: Item marked with a ◎require advanced skill and tools, so they should be done by a qualified service person. 6-2.
  • Page 8 remove the air cleaner cover, and remove the air filter element 2 . Wash the element in a solution of household detergent and warm water, then rinse thoroughly, or wash in non-flammable or high flash point solvent. Allow the 3. Soak the air filter element in clean AIR FILTER ELEMENT engine oil and squeeze out the excess oil.
  • Page 9: Storage Of Engine

    7. STORAGE OF ENGINE Should the engine be stored for a long period, Please do the following: ① Drain off the fuel in tank and oil in crankcase; ② Remove the spark plug, add about 2~3 cc. of engine oil into the cylinder, and reinstall the spark plug. Pull the recoil until you feel compression.
  • Page 10: Warranty

    LIMITED WARRANTY We warrant as limited herein to the end-user original Purchaser of the gasoline powered Engine to which this limited warranty, that the Engine shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of (i) one year if Purchased by a retail consumer for regular domestic usage;...
  • Page 11 AP170F/AP188F/AP190F Manuale d’uso 1   ...
  • Page 12 INDICE CONSIGLI PER LA SICUREZZA ············································································································································1 2. DESCRIZIONE DI PARTI E CARATTERISTICHE··················································································································3 CARBURANTE E OLIO MOTORE··········································································································································5 ISPEZIONE PRIMA DELL’USO···············································································································································5 5. ACCENSIONE DEL MOTORE·················································································································································6 ISPEZIONE E MANUTENZIONE ············································································································································7 RIPORRE IL MOTORE·····························································································································································8 MOTEUR/PROBLEMI DI ACCENSIONE ·······························································································································8 SCHEMA ELETTRICO·····························································································································································9 10.DIAGRAMMA ESPLOSO DEI COMPONENTI······················································································································9 11.LISTA DEI COMPONENTI ·····················································································································································9 12.GARANZIA············································································································································································10 2 ...
  • Page 13: Consigli Per La Sicurezza

    Grazie per aver acquistato questo motore per uso generale. Questo manuale di istruzioni spiega come far funzionare e riparare il motore a benzina. Si prega di leggere prima di utilizzare il motore per garantire la corretta gestione e di funzionamento. Seguire attentamente le istruzioni per mantenere il motore nelle migliori condizioni di funzionamento.
  • Page 14 DESCRIZIONE DI PARTI E CARATTERISTICHE 2-1. Caratteristiche       Modello AP170F AP188F AP190F - cc 208  389  420  Cilindrata Alesaggio x corsa - mm 70X54  88X64  90X66    rapporto di compressione 8.0:1  8.0:1  8.5:1    Speed - rpm 3000 ...
  • Page 15: Olio Motore

    3. OLIO MOTORE • 3-2. olio motore Utilizzare l'olio motore come descritto nella seguente tabella . Olio motore consigliato: SAE 10W-30 • Non aggiungere additivi commerciali nell'olio. • Non mescolare benzina nell'olio. ATTENZIONE: Il motore è fornito senza olio. Prima di iniziare, assicurarsi di effettuare un controllo dell'olio seguendo le istruzioni: Posizionare il motore su una superficie piana durante l'aggiunta di olio o ispezione;...
  • Page 16: Avviamento Del Motore

    4-3. Ispezione Olio motore     • Il motore è riempito con l'olio motore consigliato, e l'olio è sporco? Se non c'è abbastanza petrolio, se è sporco, oppure è-stato utilizzato più a lungo del tempo predeterminato, aggiungere o cambiare l'olio motore. 4-4.
  • Page 17: Ispezione E Manutenzione

        6. ISPEZIONE E MANUTENZIONE 6-1. Ispezione regolare e giornaliera ATTENZIONE: ispezioni giornaliere e regolari sono importanti per garantire il mantenimento e corretto funaiozionamento del motore a lungo termine. Fare riferimento alla tabella per lo svolgimento di ispezioni regolari e ispezioni di manutenzione. tavola delle ispezioni periodiche:  ...
  • Page 18 6-2. Manutenzione delle parti Pulizia del filtro dell'aria ① 1 rimuovere il coperchio del filtro dell'aria, e rimuovere l'elemento del filtro dell'aria 2 Lavare l'elemento in una soluzione di detergente ed acqua calda, quindi risciacquare abbondantemente, o lavare in solvente non infiammabile o highflash. Lasciare asciugare il filtro.
  • Page 19: Risoluzione Dei Problemi

    7. RIPORRE IL MOTORE Se il motore deve essere immagazzinato per un lungo periodo, Si prega di effettuare le seguenti operazioni: ① Versare il carburante nel serbatoio e olio nel carter; ② Rimuovere la candela, aggiungere circa 2 ~ 3 cc. di olio motore nel cilindro, e reinstallare la candela.
  • Page 20: Garanzia Limitata

    GARANZIA LIMITATA Garantiamo come qui di seguito l'utente finale. All’acquirente del motore a benzina a cui questa garanzia è limitata, garantiamo che il motore deve essere privo di difetti di materiale e di fabbricazione per un periodo di (i) un anno, se acquistato da un consumatore al dettaglio per uso domestico regolare, oppure (ii) 90 giorni in caso di acquisto per utilizzo professionale o industriale, in ogni caso, dalla data di acquisto originale.
  • Page 21 AP170F/AP188F/AP190F Manuel d'utilisation 1   ...
  • Page 22 TABLE DES MATIÈRES CONSEILS DE SÉCURITÉ·······················································································································································1 DESCRIPTION DE COMPOSANTS ET CARACTERISTIQUES ····························································································3 HUILE DE CARBURANT ET MOTEUR ·································································································································5 INSPECTION AVANT MISE EN MARCHE·····························································································································5 DÉMARRAGE DU MOTEUR ··················································································································································6 INSPECTION ET ENTRETIEN ················································································································································7 STOCKAGE DU MOTEUR ······················································································································································8 PROBLEME DEMARRAGE DU MOTEUR·····························································································································8 SCHEMA ELECTRIQUE··························································································································································9 SCHÉMA ÉCLATÉ...
  • Page 23: Conseils De Sécurité

    Nous vous remercions d'avoir acheté ce moteur à usage général. Ce manuel d'utilisation vous explique comment utiliser et entretenir votre moteur à essence. S'il vous plaît lireavant d'utiliser le moteur pour assurer une entretein et utilisation correcte. Suivez les instructions avec soin pour maintenir votre moteur dans le meilleur état de marche. Cette Manuel d’opération traite les principaux points de fonctionnement du moteur.
  • Page 24: Description De Composants Et Caracteristiques

    DESCRIPTION DE COMPOSANTS ET CARACTERISTIQUES 2-1. caracteristiques       Modèle AP170F AP188F AP190F Déplacement - cc 208  389  420  Alésage x course - mm 70X54  88X64  90X66  taux de compression 8.0:1  8.0:1  8.5:1    Speed - rpm 3000  3000 ...
  • Page 25: Huile De Carburant Et Moteur

    3. HUILE MOTEUR • 3-2. huile moteur Utilisez l'huile moteur comme décrit dans le tableau ci-dessous . Huile moteur recommandée: SAE 10W-30 • Ne pas ajouter d'additifs commerciaux à l'huile. • Ne pas mélanger l'essence dans l'huile. MISE EN GARDE: Le moteur est livré...
  • Page 26: Démarrage Du Moteur

    4-3. Inspection de l'huile moteur • Le moteur est rempli avec de l'huile moteur recommandée, et l'huile est sale? S'il n'y a pas assez d'huile, si elle est sale, ou s'il a été utilisé plus longtemps que le temps spécifié,ajouter ou changer l'huile moteur. 4-4.
  • Page 27: Inspection Et Entretien

    starter progressivement vers le plein "OPEN" position, le levier d'accélérateur dans le champ «Max. Position». Avant le chargement réchauffer le moteur pendant environ 3 minutes.     6. INSPECTION ET ENTRETIEN 6-1. Inspection quotidienne et régulière AVERTISSEMENT: Des inspections quotidiennes et régulières sont importantes pour assurer un fonctionnement sûr, adéquat et à...
  • Page 28 6-2. Entretien des éléments Nettoyage du filtre à air ① 1 retirer le couvercle du filtre à air et enlever le filtre à air 2 Laver l'élément dans une solution de détergent ménager et eau chaude, puis rincer abondamment, u lavez avec non-inflammable ou highflash solvant. Laisser le filtre se sécher.
  • Page 29: Stockage Du Moteur

    7. STOCKAGE DU MOTEUR Si le moteur est stocké pendant une longue période, S'il vous plaît, procédez comme suit: ① Vider le carburant dans le réservoir et l'huile dans le carter; ② Retirer la bougie, ajouter environ 2 ~ 3 cc. d'huile moteur dans le cylindre, et réinstallez la bougie.
  • Page 30: Garantie

    GARANTIE LIMITÉE Nous garantissons la présente limitée à l'utilisateur final. Nous garantissons a l’acheteur du moteur, à laquelle cette garantie es limitée, que le moteur doit être exempt de défauts de matériaux et de fabrication pour une période de (i) un an si Acheté...
  • Page 31 AP170F/AP188F/AP190F Manual de funcionamiento 1   ...
  • Page 32 CONTENIDOS CONSEJOS DE SEGURIDAD ··········································································································································1 DESCRIPCIÓN DE ESPECIFICACIONES Y COMPONIENTES ····················································································3 COMBUSTIBLE Y ACEITE DEL MOTOR······················································································································5 INSPECCIÓN PREVIA EL MANEJO ·······························································································································5 ARRANQUE DEL MOTOR ··············································································································································6 INSPECCIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO ······························································································································7 ALMACENAMIENTO DEL MOTOR ······························································································································8 8. PROBLEMA DE ARRANQUE··········································································································································8 ESQUEMA ELÉCTRICO ··················································································································································9 10.
  • Page 33: Consejos De Seguridad

    Este manual de instrucciones le explica cómo operar y reparar el motor de gasolina a uso generico. Por favor, lea antes de usar el motor para asegurar un manejo adecuado y operativo. Siga las instrucciones cuidadosamente para mantener su motor en la mejor condición de funcionamiento. Esta manual de operación trata de los puntos principales de funcionamiento del motor.
  • Page 34: Descripción De Especificaciones Y Componientes

    2.DESCRIPCIÓN DE ESPECIFICACIONES Y COMPONIENTES 2-1. Esecificaciones       Modelo AP170F AP188F AP190F 208  389  420  - cc esplazamiento Diámetro x carrera - mm 70X54  88X64  90X66  relación de compresión 8.0:1  8.0:1  8.5:1    Speed - rpm 3000  3000 ...
  • Page 35: Aceite Del Motor

    3. ACEITE DEL MOTOR • 3-2. aceite del motor Utilice el aceite del motor, como se describe en la tabla siguiente . Recomendado aceite del motor: SAE 10W-30 • No agregar aditivos comerciales para el aceite. • No mezclar la gasolina con el aceite. ADVERTENCIA: El motor se envía sin aceite.
  • Page 36 4-2. Inspeccione el filtro de aire • El filtro de aire está sucio? • Cuando el filtro está sucio, límpielo. 4-3. Inspección aceite del motor • ¿ el aceite de motor (recomendado) está sucio? Si no hay suficiente petróleo, si está sucio, o se ha utilizado más del tiempo especificado, agregar o cambiar el aceite del motor.
  • Page 37: Arranque Del Motor

    5. ARRANQUE DEL MOTOR 5-1. Arranque del motor ADVERTENCIA:Antes de arrancar el motor, lea y comprenda los puntos "CONSEJOS DE SEGURIDAD" y " INSPECCIÓN ANTES DEL FUNCIONAMIENTO” de este manual de operación. Arranque el motor de la siguiente manera: a. Recoil start: •...
  • Page 38   Señaló: Puntos marcado con ◎ requieren habilidad avanzada y herramientas, por lo que técnico deberías ser realizado por un cualificado.       6-2. Mantenimiento de los componientes limpiar el filtro de aire ① 1 quitar la tapa del filtro de aire, y quitar el filtro de aire 2 Lave el elemento en una solución de detergente y agua tibia, enjuagar cuidadosamente, o lave con solvente no inflamable...
  • Page 39: Almacenamiento Del Motor

    3 Sumerja el elemento del filtro de aire en aceite de motor limpio y exprima el exceso de aceite. El motor emitirá humo durante el arranque inicial si hay demaciado aceite en el elemento.           ② Limpiar la bujía •...
  • Page 40: Solución De Problemas

    ④ Almacene el motor en un lugar seco y libre de polvo. ⑤ arranque eléctrico, desconectar la batería, cargue la batería una vez al mes.   8. SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS Falla de arranque: ① Es la ignición normal? • ¿Está el interruptor del motor en la posición "ON"? •...
  • Page 41: Garantía

    GARANTÍA LIMITADA Garantizamos como sigue limitato al usuario final. Garantizamos al comprador del motor a gasolina que el motor deberá estar libre de defectos en materiales y mano de obra por un período de (i) un año si haya sido comprado por un consumidor final para uso doméstico normal, o (ii) 90 días si se compra por uso industrial o profesional, en cada caso a partir de la fecha de compra original.
  • Page 42 AP170F/AP188F/AP190F Betriebsanleitung 1   ...
  • Page 43 INHALT 1. SICHERHEITSHINWEISE..............1 2. TECHNISCHE DATEN UND TEILEBESCHREIBUNG....3 3. KRAFTSTOFF UND MOTORÖL............5 4. INSPEKTION VOR BETRIEB.............5 5. DEN MOTOR ANLASSEN..............6 6. INSPEKTION UND WARTUNG………………………………...……7 7. MOTORLAGERUNG………………………………………….………8 8. FEHLERBEHEBUNG…………………………………….…….……..8 9. ELEKTRODIAGRAMM………………………………………………9 10. EXPLOSIONSZEICHNUNG………………………………….……..9 11. LISTE DER TEILE………………………………..………………….9 12. GEWÄHRLEISTUNG……………………………………………….10 2   ...
  • Page 44: Sicherheitshinweise

    Vielen Dank für den Kauf dieses Mehrzweckmotors. Diese Betriebsanleitung soll Ihnen beim Betrieb und der Wartung Ihres Benziners helfen. Bitte vor Gebrauch des Motors durchlesen, um den ordnungsgemäßen Umgang und Betrieb zu gewährleisten. Halten Sie sich sorgfältig an die Anweisungen, damit Ihr Motor seinen optimalen Betriebszustand aufrechterhält.
  • Page 45: Technische Daten Und Teilebeschreibung

    2. TECHNISCHE DATEN UND TEILEBESCHREIBUNG 2-1. Technische Daten       AP170F AP188F AP190F Modell   Hubraum - cc 208  389  420    Bohrung x Hub - mm 70 X 54  88 X 64  90 X 66    8,5  :1    Kompressionsverhältnis 8.0:1  8.0:1    Drehzahl – U/m 3000 ...
  • Page 46: Inspektion Und Wartung

    3. MOTORÖL 3-2. Motoröl Das Motoröl, wie in untenstehender Tabelle, verwenden. . Empfohlenes Motoröl: SAE 10W-30. ·Dem Öl keine nicht handelsüblichen Additive hinzufügen. ·Kein Benzin in das Öl mischen. WARNUNG: Der Motor wird ohne Öl geliefert. Vor dem Anlassen sicherstellen, dass eine Öl-Inspektion nach folgenden Anweisungen durchgeführt wurde: Den Motor auf eine ebene Fläche stellen, wenn Öl eingefüllt oder eine Inspektion durchgeführt wird;...
  • Page 47: Inspektion Vor Betrieb

    4-3. Motoröl-Inspektion ·Ist der Motor mit dem empfohlenen Motoröl befüllt und ist das Öl verschmutzt? Wenn nicht ausreichend Öl vorhanden ist, es verschmutzt oder länger als die angegebene Zeit verwendet wurde, Motoröl nachfüllen oder austauschen. 4-4. Alle Befestigungsteile und Schrauben auf festen Sitz prüfen. ·Sind alle Schrauben fest angezogen? ·Sicherstellen, dass die Schrauben für die Befestigung des Schalldämpfers überprüft wurden.
  • Page 48: Inspektion Und Wartung

      6. INSPEKTION UND WARTUNG 6-1. Tägliche und reguläre Inspektion WARNUNG: Tägliche und reguläre Inspektionen sind wichtig, um einen sicheren, ordnungsgemäßen und dauerhaften Motorbetrieb zu gewährleisten. Beim Durchführen von Inspektionen und Wartungsarbeiten siehe Tabelle für reguläre Inspektionen. Tabelle für regelmäßige Inspektionen: Anmerkung: Mit einem ◎...
  • Page 49 6-2. Teilewartung ① Den Luftfilter reinigen 1. Den Luftfilterdeckel abnehmen und den Luftfilter herausnehmen   2 . Den Filter in einer Lösung aus Haushaltsreiniger und warmem Wasser waschen und anschließend gründlich abspülen oder in einem nicht brennbaren oder einem Lösungsmittel mit hohem Flammpunkt waschen.
  • Page 50: Motorlagerung

    7. MOTORLAGERUNG Soll der Motor über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg gelagert werden, bitte Folgendes unternehmen: ① Das Benzin aus dem Tank und das Öl aus dem Kurbelgehäuse ablassen; ② Die Zündkerze abnehmen, etwa 2 – 3 ccm Motoröl in den Zylinder geben und die Zündkerze wieder einsetzen. Den Reversierstarter ziehen, bis Sie eine Kompression vernehmen.
  • Page 51: Eingeschränkte Gewährleistung

    EINGESCHRÄNKTE GEWÄHRLEISTUNG                                                                                                                 Wir gewährleisten hiermit dem Endnutzer und Erstkäufer des benzinbetriebenen Motors, auf den sich diese eingeschränkte Gewährleistung bezieht, in begrenzter Weise die Material- und Verarbeitungsfehlerfreiheit des Motors für einen Zeitraum von (i) einem Jahr, wenn er im...

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