Trouble shooting
If the verification of the temperature accuracy is not successful the following should
be taken under consideration:
The environmental temperature during the verification has to be between +10 and
+32°C (climate class).
A certain circulation of air is necessary for the compressor to work properly.
The incubator should not be opened to often and / or for longer period of time.
Check the function of the two fans by visual inspection.
Check the cooling device by setting 10°C and wait for a significant change of the
temperature in the sample towards 10°C.
Check the heating device by setting 40°C and wait for a significant change of the
temperature in the sample towards 40°C.
Depending on the sample temperature it can take up to 7 hours for temperature stability
at the set-value.
The air temperature in the cabinet may fluctuate by several degrees centigrade.
Nevertheless the actual temperature of the sample fluctuates only by a maximum of
± 0.5°C.
Other operation controls
On the front side of the temperature control unit there are covered shock-
proof sockets for the connection of BOD's appliances or stirring apparates.
The total load on the sockets must not exceed 5 amps.
The thermostatically controlled oven and laboratory sockets are protected by a fuse
(6.3 A T) which is accessible from the front panel of the unit.
The control unit is connected by means of a 4-pole plug on the bottom of the incubator.
Please make sure that no additional heatsource (like a lamp) is installed!