hese instr ctions for maintenance are intended for
oth the rofessional cleaner and the ser of the
wor station. e er se en ine acetone t r entine
etrol or other aggressi e s
stances sol ents or
a rasi e cleansers.
leaning work sur aces
ormal stains coffee tea
li stic
nger mar s grease water
le gl e felt ti
en in etc.
can e remo ed with a clean dam
cloth. f necessary a little soft soa
may e added to the water and a
soft nylon r sh may e sed to
treat more st
orn stains.
ol ent ased lac
er gl e nail
all oint en in etc.
Maintenance ree parts
n normal se the leg ad stment mechanisms of ta les
and wor s rfaces sho ld not re
lease contact yo r s
mo ing of ce or recon g ring the wor station.
A ser ice it containing tools re
Ahrend 700 can e ordered from Ahrend order code
0160 217 .
sho ld e remo ed with an organic
sol ent s ch as methylated s irits.
leaning veneered work sur aces
i e with a clean dam cloth if
necessary. A little soft soa may e
added to the water to treat more
orn stains.
ire any maintenance.
lier if yo are considering
ired for se with the
leaning plastic parts
All lastic arts may e cleaned
with a soft cloth dam if necessary.
ore st
orn stains ca sed y
gl e felt ti
all oints etc.
can e treated with l
water and a little soft soa if
leaning enamelled metal parts
All colo red metal arts may e
cleaned with a soft cloth dam if
ore st
orn stains
ca sed y gl e felt ti
all oints etc. are est treated with
ewarm water and a little soft
soa .
ethylated s irit may e sed
if necessary.