Known Problems / Windows XP
Attention, if you use old versions of Windows XP it may happen that your harddisk is not detected.
This is not a computer error, but is simply due to the fact that Windows XP has been on the market
since 2001 already and current day hardware did not exist at that time and is therefore not support-
ed by old versions.
In this case you have to create a SATA or AHCI drive disk for which you need a second PC. The
exact procedure differs from one PC to the next.
Normally there is a tool on the mainboard driver CD to create this disk. Please consult the main-
board manual in this connection.
Reboot the PC! After beginning the installation a message appears that you should press the "F6"
key to add drivers. Then press the F& key and put the floppy into the drive and select the driver as
This is only possible using a floppy (disk drive), if your PC is not fitted
with a floppy drive you have to install one or use an updated windows
version. USB media or CDs are not supported in this case!
Attention Microsoft Windows XP is, unfortunately, no longer an up to
date operating system on many current PCs, however it can still, in-
deed be installed, the number of PC systems for which Windows XP
drivers are no longer offered is constantly increasing, assurance can
therefore not be given that Windows XP will still function on your PC
Microsoft only provides security updates and support for Windows XP Service Pack 3, how-
ever, this is expected to stop in 2014 too.
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