Specifi cations
DC Voltage:
AC Voltage:
DC Current (Milliamperes): 0.5-50-250mA
Resistance (Ohms):
Function/Range Switch:
Zero Ohms Adjustment Dial:
Located on the left side of the housing; adjustment dial is
used to zero the needle indicator on the ohms scale while
shorting the test leads together.
Mechanical Zero Adjustment Screw:
Located directly below the center of the meter scale; adjust
needle indicator to read zero at the left side of the scale before
taking any measurement.
Mirrored Scale Plate:
The mirror on the scale plate is used to line up the needle with
its refl ection to improve the reading accuracy by preventing
parallax error.
Recessed Input Jacks:
Negative (-) input jack for black test lead, positive (+) input
jack for red test lead.
Read this operators manual thoroughly before using this mul-
timeter. This manual is intended to provide basic information
regarding this multimeter and to describe common test pro-
cedures which can be made with this unit. Many types of ap-
pliance, machinery and other electrical circuit measurements
are not addressed in this manual and should be handled by
experienced service technicians.
12 measuring ranges
10-50-250-500 Volts
10-50-250-500 Volts
Rx1K (resistance indicated multip-
lied by 1000)
1 Megohm max
-20dB to +56dB on AC voltage
DC voltage, mA = 4% full scale of
AC voltage = 5% full scale of range
Resistance = 4° arc of scale length
2000 ohms per volt DC and AC
5 functions
13 positions
12 measuring ranges