pre-OperatIOn prOCeDures
Before using the BENZA Professional Scarifier, please perform the following procedures for the personal and property safet
y of the operator and worksite and for optim al performance .
1 . Before operating the Scarifier ensure that it is structurally and mechanicall y safe by checking the following:
Perform a detailed visual inspection on the machine with particular attention to the following:
i . Are there any loose, wornor damaged parts? If so, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPERATE THE MACHINE . Make note of
required parts, and contact your local authorized dealer for replacement parts and further assistance to servic e
the unit PRIOR to any further use .
ii . Is the machine, particularly the flails and rotor, clean and free of debris? Small rocks and other foreign objects
can jam machine and cause the unit to malfunction, leading to serious injury to the operator and property
damage on the worksite .
iii . Are there any cracks or damage on the engine? Consult with the engine manufacturer's manual for guide line
sand instructions on service . DO NOT AT TEMPT TO OPERATE THE MACHINE until engine is ref urbished to engine
factor y standards .
iv . Are the flails en gaged in the traveling position (i .e: raised from the working surface)? Ensure that the rotor is
securely raised away from the working surfac e until arrival at work site . Moving the Scarifier with the flail and
rotor in the lowered working position candam age the unit and worksite .
b . Inspecione o seguinte no manípulo .
b . Inspect the handle for the following:
i . Is the handle properly and securely attached to the machine?
ii . Is the handle set in the correct operating position?
c . Consult the "Recommended Maintenance Schedule"section of this manual and verif y that:
i . The wheels, bearings and carriage are lubricated and in good condition
Operator's Manual