Even though the BEETHEFIRST 3D printer was designed to be as safe as possible,
we would like to remind you it was conceived for use by adults. Still, there are
safety concerns you must keep in mind:
1 - Adult supervision:
because we can't stress this enough, BEETHEFIRST was
developed to be used by adults. Should you wish that children also use it, you
must supervise them at all times while they do so. You must also take great care
with small printed objects, because children might try to swallow them, which
poses a danger of them choking.
2 - Extruder:
whenever BEETHEFIRST is functioning, the extruder nozzle can
reach temperatures as high as 250º C (480º F), which can cause serious burns if
touched. For that reason, even though the extruder nozzle is shielded, you must
always be careful not to touch it.
3 - Moving parts:
whenever it's functioning, BEETHEFIRST has moving parts.
For that reason, you should always keep a safe distance from the printer while
it's operating.
4 - Filament:
BEETHEFIRST has been developed and tested to work best with
BEESUPPLIES, our brand of filament. You may use filament from other sources
but we recommend BEESUPPLIES for the best results.
5 - Cool and well-ventilated environment:
BEETHEFIRST works best in cool
environments with some ventilation, just like any other electrical item. It is also
recommended to maintain an acceptable level of air quality around the printer.
6 - BEETHEFIRST integrity:
never use BEETHEFIRST without it being fully
assembled. Using it without all of its components voids the warranty and can be
dangerous. For the same reasons, avoid spilling any liquid on the printer.
7 - Modifications to BEETHEFIRST:
if you modify BEETHEFIRST in any way, this
will immediately void the warranty. If you still wish to modify it, get in touch with
us, explain your project and we might be able to provide you with useful information.