Column View
In the Column view the text is reformatted and displayed in a column to fit the width of the screen
regardless of the text size. Pictures are not shown in this view.
Line View
In Line view the text is reformatted and displayed in one continuous line, and the highlighted word
is always displayed at the centre of the screen. Pictures are not shown in this view.
In the Full page overview, the full page is being shown with blue numbered bullets marking the
detected text zones in the document. The navigation bullets can be used to quickly navigate
through a text. Navigate between the bullets by pressing the Play / Pause button plus the Up
arrow to go to the previous zone and the Down arrow to go to the next zone. The speech will start
reading the selected text zone. The number of the navigation bullets represent the most likely
order of the text. The speech reads the zone with navigation bullet number 1, followed by
navigation bullet number 2, and so on.
In all views, the text can be displayed in high contrast. Options to adjust the appearance of the
text such as size, color, word highlight, or font can be found within the ClearReader
Basic Menu.