Warranty Information
If you discover a defect covered by this warranty, your sole and
exclusive remedy will be for Elgato Systems, in its sole discretion to
(1) repair or replace the product at no charge to you; or, if a repaired
unit or replacement product is not available, (2) to refund the current
market value of your product. You acknowledge and agree that
replacement product, at the sole option of Elgato Systems, may be a
new product or a remanufactured product.
For purchases within the exchange period of the reseller we recom-
mend exchanging a defective product directly with the reseller as
it is the quickest method to obtain service. If you are having trouble
with a product, before seeking limited warranty service, first follow
the troubleshooting procedures that Elgato Systems or your reseller
To claim limited warranty service during the warranty period, you
must first obtain a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) and ship-to-
address by contacting Elgato Systems at http://support.elgato.com.
Please follow the instructions found on the website. You must return
the covered product using approved packaging to our logistics center.
You must pay any associated transportation charges, duties and
insurance in shipping the drive to our logistics center.
You must include with each returned product (1) a copy of the bill of
sale as proof of date of original retail purchase; (2) a Return Material
Authorization number; (3) your name, address and telephone number;
and (4) a description of the problem.
Please be sure to back up your data before returning your drive to
Elgato Systems for repair. You should remove all personal information
from the product prior to its return. Elgato Systems cannot under
any circumstances guarantee the integrity of data remaining on a
returned drive. We make no provisions for data recovery and cannot
be held liable for any data loss on drives or media returned to Elgato
Elgato Systems will repair or replace a covered defective product
and ship you a repaired or replaced product, transportation prepaid.
You receive title to the repaired or replaced product at delivery to the
carrier at the Elgato Systems shipping point. You are responsible for
importation of the repaired or replaced product, if applicable. These
limited warranty terms apply to the repaired or replaced product,
except the limited warranty period is for the greater of the remainder
of the original limited warranty period for the returned product or 90
Elgato Systems LLC
900 Kearny Street Suite 750
San Francisco, CA 94133, USA
(415) 391-0310
Elgato Systems GmbH
Rotkreuzplatz 1
80634 Munich, Germany
+49 89 143 339 0