Your GRANITA FUN COCA-COLA® SERIES™ makes perfectly shaved ice that can be used to make:
iSnow cones
After shaving the ice, add flavored syrup. Add more than one flavor to create colorful and varied snow cones.
Create stripes of flavor in the shaved ice for Rainbow Snow Cones.
iSlush drinks
Fill a glass with freshly shaved ice. Add your favorite soft drink, flavored tea or fruit juice. Mix well.
iFresh fruit slush
Fill a serving cup with freshly shaved ice. Add flavored syrup and top with fresh chopped fruit of your choice.
iIce cream slush
Fill a serving cup with your choice of ice cream. Top with a generous serving of shaved ice. Add flavored syrup.
iYogurt snow
Freeze flavored yogurt in ice cube trays. Use your GRANITA FUN COCA-COLA® SERIES™ to shave the yogurt
cubes and make a refreshing, healthy treat. Add flavored syrup for even more flavor.
iSnow smoothies
Freeze ½ cup of milk in ice cube trays. Use your GRANITA FUN COCA-COLA® SERIES™ to shave the ice
cubes. Place the shaved cubes and fresh strawberries or your choice of fruit in a blender. Add ¼ cup of sugar for
sweetness, then blend until smooth or to desired consistency.
iFrozen juice drink
Freeze fruit juice in ice cube trays. Use your GRANITA FUN COCA-COLA® SERIES™to shave the cubes to create
a healthy, juicy treat. Su seguridad y la seguridad de los demás es muy importante.
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