Záruka se nevztahuje na vady způsobené normálním opotřebe-
ním, nedbalostí, neodborným zacházením, nesprávným použitím,
zakázanými úpravami a špatným skladováním.
Nehody a škody vzniklé nedbalostí nebo k nimž dojde v souvislosti
se způsobem použití, pro něž není tento výrobek určený, nejsou
rovněž kryty touto zárukou.
SINGING ROCK neodpovídá za přímé, nepřímé ani nahodilé škody,
které souvisí s používáním výrobků SINGING ROCK nebo jsou jeho
Tento výrobek je možno používat v kombinaci s ostatními jistícími
pomůckami, které tvoří navzájem jednotný slučitelný systém.
Pro zajištění bezpečnosti uživatele je nezbytné tento návod
přeložit do jazyka země, ve které bude tento výrobek používán.
Do not use this product without having read carefully and un-
derstanding these technical instructions.
This product makes part of fall arrest system. It is designed to be
used for with a dynamic mountaineering rope or low-stretch
rope.. If the fall arrest system consists of static equipment alone
(low-stretch rope, tape slings...) and if there is risk of a fall, it is
essential to introduce a shock absorber (EN355) into the safety
chain to lower the potential shock load.
This technical notice illustrates ways of using this product. Only
some types of misuse and forbidden uses currently known are
represented (shown in the crossed out diagrams). Many other
types of misuse exist, and it is impossible to enumerate, or even
imagine all these. Only the techniques of use shown in the dia-
grams and not crossed out are authorised. All other uses are ex-
cluded due to the danger of death. In case of doubt or problem of
understanding, contact SINGING ROCK.
Activities at height such as climbing, via ferrata, caving, rappelling,
ski-touring, rescue, work at height and exploration are dangerous
activities which may lead to severe injury or even death. You per-
sonally assume all the risks and responsibilities for all damage,
injury or death, which may occur during or following use of our
products in any manner whatsoever. If you are not able, or not in
a position to assume this responsibility or to take this risk, do not
use this equipment.
An adequate apprenticeship in appropriate techniques and
methods of security is essential to use this product. This product
must be only used by competent person and responsible person
or those placed under the direct visual control of a competent and
responsible person. Physical condition of the user can have an
influence on his safety during normal or emergency use.
The knowledge of basic rescue techniques is required to use this