owner's responsIbIlIty
Accurate assembly and safe and effective use of the
stove is the owner's responsibility.
• Read and follow all safety instructions.
• Carefully follow all assembly instructions.
• Maintain the stove according to directions and
schedule included in this Castle operator's manual.
• Ensure that anyone who uses the stove is familiar
with all controls and safety precautions.
specIal messages
Your manual contains special messages to bring
attention to potential safety concerns, stove damage
as well as helpful operating and servicing information.
Please read all the information carefully to avoid injury
and stove damage.
NOTE: General information is given throughout
the manual that may help the operator in the
operation or service of the stove.
Important safety precautIons
Please read this section carefully. Operate the stove
according to the safety instructions and recommenda-
tions outlined here and inserted throughout the text.
Anyone who uses this stove must read the instructions
and be familiar with the controls.
this symbol points out important safety
instructions which if not followed could
endanger your personal safety. read and
follow all instructions in this manual before
attempting to operate this equipment.
Check for parts online at or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5 CST
danger IndIcates a serIous InJury or
fatalIty wIll result If the safety In-
structIons that follow thIs sIgnal
word are not obeyed.
warnIng IndIcates a serIous InJury or
fatalIty could result If the safety In-
structIons that follow thIs sIgnal
word are not obeyed.
cautIon IndIcates you can or your
equIpment can be hurt If the safety
InstructIons that follow thIs sIgnal
word are not obeyed.
Important IndIcates helpful Informa-
tIon for proper assembly, operatIon,
or maIntenance of your equIpment.
you must read, understand and comply
wIth all safety and operatIng Instruc-
tIons In thIs manual before attemptIng
to setup and operate your stove.
faIlure to comply wIth all safety and
operatIng InstructIons can result In
serIous personal InJury to you and/or
bystanders, and rIsk of equIpment and
property damage. the trIangle In the
text sIgnIfIes Important cautIons or
warnIngs whIch must be followed.
Operator's Manual
HPS10 Pellet Stove