Bass, Mid & Treble
These are the channel EQ controls. Each control has a boost and cut with FLAT i.e. no boost or cut, being in the centre of the controls
rotation. Use these to adjust the individual EQ for each keyboard used. With most modern keyboards it should not be necessary to
move these controls far from their centre position to achieve the ideal sound.
Aux in/out
The AUX IN/OUT push button sends the channel signal to the AUX SEND jack socket for use with external effects units. This allows
you to choose which channels are sent to the external effects unit and which channels are not by pushing in the buttons on only
those that need to use the external effects.
Channel 4
Channel 4 has exactly the same set of controls as the first 3 channels but operates slightly differently because it has the addition of
an XLR microphone input.
Mic Input
The XLR mic input on channel 4 is a low impedance balanced microphone input and suitable in sensitivity and impedance for most
modern microphones. Any signal routed to this socket is fed to both the RIGHT and LEFT sections of channel 4.
Left and Right Inputs
The LEFT jack input sends a signal to only the left section of channel 4 and the RIGHT jack input to the right.
Aux Send/Aux Return
This section allows the use of external stereo effects units with the TEK300. The AUX SEND jack socket is connected to the INPUT of
the external effects unit and the AUX RETURN RIGHT and LEFT jack sockets are connected to the stereo OUTPUT of the external
effects unit.
If the external effects unit is a MONO device then connect its OUTPUT to the LEFT/MONO jack socket only and this will send the
return signal from the effects unit to both the left and right output stages of the TEK300.
The signal from the AUX SEND jack socket will comprise of the signals from those channels that have their AUX push buttons
operated. The level of signal sent to the external effects unit can be set to an optimum level with the AUX SEND master control
located directly above the AUX SEND jack socket.
The level of stereo effects signal returned from the external effects unit can be adjusted using the AUX RETURN master control.
The AUX SEND/RETURN section on the TEK300 operates like an AUX section on a mixing desk where just the effects are returned
from the external effects unit and this is mixed in with the dry sound of the preamp to achieve the desired effect.
Master Graphic and Output Level Control
Master Graphic
Overall EQ can be applied to the entire preamp with the 5 band graphic section provided. This gives a boost or cut of 12dB at 5
centre frequencies and is useful for room equalisation.
Line Outputs Left and Right
LEFT and RIGHT LINE OUTPUTS are provided for slaving up to further amplification. The signal from these sockets is taken from
after the MASTER LEVEL output control so that any additional amplification used will also be turned up and down with the MASTER
LEVEL control as well as with any swell pedal that is used with the VCA FOOT CONTROL facility.