Freezing (3 stars appliances)
Approximately 24 hours before starting freezing lhe food for the first time turn lhe thermostat to
lhe maximum position.
Before putting the food in lhe ice box we advise that it should be previously refrigerated in the
The food already frozen should not be in direct contact with lhe one not yet frozen.
The food to be frozen should be placed in the back of lhe ice box.
The indications found on the back of the ice box's door show the preservation periods of food (on
combined fridge / freezers, two doors refrigerators and upright freezers).
The ice box is ready to freeze fresh food as well as to preserve frozen food.
Always follow the packages instructions. lf nothing is said have as a general rule a maximum
period of approximately 3 months.
Always write the freezing date on the packages so you can use first the food that is frozen for a
longer period.
Sometimes due to the efficiency of the freezer's door it is not possible to re-open it immediately
after closing it. Wait then a few minutes before trying again.
To control lhe food temperature use a thermometer placed amongst the packages. If placed on top
of the food it will show lhe surrounding temperature and not the food temperature.
Remember that thawed food or food being defrosted should be eaten immediately.
Preservation / Refrigeration
The food that requires lower preserving temperatures should be placed on the upper part of the
fridge and the one that does not require such lower temperatures should be placed on the lower
Using the appliances
Temperature adjustment
The temperature value is indicated in the thermostat button inside the refrigerators or in
the control panel inside the freezers. Both the indicators can be found on the combined
The temperature ambient never must be inferior at 16° C.
The internal thermostat has 7 distinct positions and the one on the control panel has 4
The thermostat is off. There is no production of cold.
Position 1 or 2 (fridges) and 1 (upright freezers)
The thermostat should be on one of these positions when a very low temperature is not needed.
It is the ideal position for the winter or when the quantity of stored food is small.
Position 3, 4 or 5 (fridges) and 2 or 3 (upright freezers)
This position corresponds to lower temperatures than the ones in the previous positions. lt is the
most common position and it keeps food well preserved in any time of the year.
Position 6 or 7 (fridges) and 4 (upright freezers)
Corresponds to the lower temperatures. It should be used during very hot summer days or when
freezing for a short period of time is required.
Control panel (upright freezers and combined models only)
Switch -
On the * position the thermostat is off provoking a continuous functioning of the appli-
ance resulting in a rapid freezing of the food.
Yellow indicator light on -
The freezer is in continuous working.
Green indicator light on -
The appliance is connected to the electrical supply system.
Red indicator light on -
The temperature has not yet reached the thermostat pre-set value.
Thermostat button -
Regulates the freezer's inner temperature. To the higher numbers cor-
respond the Iower temperatures.